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Jimin's POV

"Sweetie......" i heard faint noises beside me, as if calling me. Why are they calling me? did i do something wrong again? I didnt break anything in the living room, i swear.

"Sweetie...!" I felt someone shaking me lightly, like i'm a baby being waked up. Wait.... what's happening? Where am i?

"Sweetie!!" I rise suddenly from my.... bed?

My mind hurts like hell!. Like as if it is being hammered repeatedly, again and again! I clutched my head and covered my ear, hoping the pain would lessen down a bit. But no! It hurts like hell!!

"Ahhhhhh!!!!" I squeezed my eyes shut and clutched my head tightly than awhile ago. The pain is unbearable, my head feels like its gonna tear apart.
I felt hands placed on my shoulder, compressing it a little bit to calm me down. Soft voices, whispering near me, but i couldnt quite hear it because of my hands that are covering both of my ears.

"I....t'" low voices are whispered near my ear. It somehow calmed me down, maybe also because of the hands that are on my shoulder, rubbing it to soothe me.

I panted aggressively before taking my hands off my ear. I closed my eyes as i heard my parent's worried voices, as soon as i opened my eyes i could see anxiousness written all over their faces. Both of them sitting down on the edge of my bed, both hands at my back, rubbing it ever so soothingly.

"Calm down sweetheart, you are fine now, you're with us. Everything is fine." I couldn't register what my mom is saying right now as i am trying to recall what happened before i passed out. Yes, i know where i passed out but i forgot the reason why i was on the ground, on the street while raining hard.

"You are hurt jimin-ah." My dad's voice snapped me out of my train of thoughts. Hurt?

"Hurt? What do you mean?" But as soon as i've let go of those questions, my mind went blank.... and all i could think of was..... taemin.

I remembered the horrible, disgusting scene. I remembered the noises. I remember everything. I am staring at nothing, my mind went blank as i feel tears flowing down my eyes. But right now, i feel like it wont stop.

I just sat there, with my parents hugging me on both sides, while i keep silent, staring at my empty light blue wall in front of me.

"Rest jimin-ah. You need to rest. Let's resume this tomorrow okay? It's late night already." My dad told me, my mom carefully nudged me down on my bed so i was lying down. I sniffed quietly as i closed my eyes, wanting to embrace the warmth and comfort my parents are giving me. They pulled the blanket up to my neck and felt both of them kissed me on the forehead before i heard the soft click of my door.

I am so blessed to have them both, they always care about me, always asked about my whereabouts, both of their attention is always on me. Even if they have a crapton of work, they never failed to let me feel loved. They told me that i am never a burden to them.

A small smile crept on my face before my eyes closed.

"I love you both...."


I suddenly woke up from my dream, more like a sad memory. That was the time when..... when he left me. For good.

My parents were there when i passed out on the cold streets, it was raining hard that time and i was so hurt from what i saw. They didnt even scold at me the other day. I miss them..... so so so damn much!

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