Chapter 3

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MM, is lady that approached Kee

     We stood there looking at each other for about 2 mins. You can tell all in her face that she was unsure on what to say or do next. A smile formed on her face as she admired my looks.

Me: " Excuse me, may I help you??" I broke the silence as I was pulling my arm out her grab.

Lady: "Kee??"

Me: " Yes??" Her face lit up like she was praying that it was me. Right now I am kind out uncomfortable because I don't know this lady, but she know my name. I really wish my mother would hurry up. I thought to myself as i stood there.

Lady: "Oh my gosh. Baby you look so gorgeous!" she said to me with the biggest kool-aid smile ever.

Me: " Uhmm... Thanks, you look pretty yourself." I am so confused to who this lady is. For a second I even thought to myself that she was my mother, but last time I saw her she had short hair, pale all in the face, and skinny. They so resemble each other though, if you didn't know my mother was an only child than you would've thought they were sisters.

Lady: " Its me baby"

Me: " And YOU are??" I asked getting impatient.

Lady: " You mom Nyla. Mane you really don't remember me, huh??"  She asked looking a little sad.

I just stood there quiet. Almost every emotion hit me when she said that. I don't know if I want to cry, smile, hug her and never let her go, yell at her and tell her how she messed up my life, or just walk away. I was knocked out of my thoughts when she spoke again:

Nyla: " Are you going to say something?" She asked looking scared of my response.

Me: " .... I don't kno what to say. You don't look the same since the last time I saw you, you actually look better. A lot better!" I said surprised that it was actually her.

Nyla: " Thanks babe. And I am sorry for leaving. I jus wasn't in the right place, emotionally and physically to to care for you the way I wanted to. I am truly sorry." She said looking me dead in my eyes.

Me: " Mhmm okaee. So what wanted to talk to me about?"

Nyla: " Oh. Okaee. I would... I'm ready for you to come home." She said looking down and playing with her fingers

I was lost at words on how to respond to what she just said. I just watched her play with her fingers. I don't know what to do. I never even thought about seeing her again in my life let alone move and live with her.

Me: " Uhmm... I have to get ready for basketball practice. I really appreciate your apology. You can call later if you would lik. See you again hopefully." With that I turned on the heels of my shoes and walked off. She yelled "Okaee, will do. Love You.", after me and I waved backwards and kept walking.

     On my way to basketball practice all I could think about was my mother and my gma. How would I break it down to my gma that I saw her daughter today and she asker me to come live with her? I don't even know the answer to her question. Do I want a relationship with her after everything that she caused in my life? Do I want to be with her? Do I want her in my life? At this point I don't know the answer to any of these questions. I am so confused.

     Tonight practice was actually good. I was dominating the court tonight. Basketball is really my stress reliever. Without basketball I would have been gave up.

     On my travels home I tried not to think about the bad and unexpected parts of my day. When I got to my front door I took a deep breathe and walked in with a smile on my face so my gma wouldn't think nothing.

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