Chapter 10

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Two Months Later


I haven't noticed how much I took for granted all my life like I have in these last few months. And it seem as if the longer I stay here the more I relive my past.

Everything was for show with my birth giver. Like her looking clean and giving my Gma and I that speech on how she want to make a better impression was all just a cover up.

I swear you never really know people until you live with them. When my Gma pasted I was open minded to move with my mom and get to know her but now I'm starting to look back. I don't regret nothing in life and I like to look at the bigger picture of things but I can't see the bigger picture here.

I was laying here on my bed on my phone trying to pretend that the noises and voices downstairs wasn't there. I even turned my radio on but that still couldn't suppress the sounds that were coming from downstairs.

It's a Tuesday night and yet again my birth giver decides to have a 'few' friends over which is never just a few. I hate these nights because m always up cleaning afterwards.

I just hope Ty not here.

I was on my phone with my friend Jaime when somebody knocked on the door. I hurried up and put my phone under my pillow and acted like I was sleep so whoever it was would just get the hint that I'm sleep and go away.

I laid there as quiet as I could while they continued to knock. After about the third knock I heard my door creak open. I tried to make my breathing steady.

I laid there as i felt the presence of somebody leaning over me as soon as i smelt the cologne i knew it was Ty. This man is the devil in my life, he been trying to get me so bad and i was close to breaking a couple things but I'm glad i didn't.

I stood over me rubbing his hands up and down my side over the covers. I jerked my body a little so he could back up but no thats not what he did.

He snatched the covers off me and tried to climb on top of me. "Stop Ty!!!!" I screamed trying to push him off of me but it seem like he got stronger with every move i made.

"Stop fighting it I know you want it" he growled in my ear.

"Ty stoopp!!!" I screamed as he slapped me so I can stop me from moving and fighting him.

He repeatedly hit me until I stopped moving, all I could do was cry at the fact that he sitting here about to rape me. I couldn't move but. Felt him tying my wrists together. When he came back around I kicked him. He stumbled back but when he looked back up at me his eyes were black and that shyt scared me.

"Why you keep fighting this shyt yo. I try to be nice to you and you always throwing a nicca shade. Now I'm about to show you how much I wanted you" he stated caressing my cheek. I moved my face to the side when he attempted to kiss me.

He ripped my shirt and all I could do was kick my feet and scream. No matter how loud I screamed he continued to do what he was doing and nobody came to my rescue.

He managed to rip my shorts and panties off through me kicking. "No Ty dont do this please don't" I cried.

He ignored me and continued to do what to wanted. He pinned my legs to the bed as he kissed all on my neck and breasts.

He spinner me around making my wrists twist and my ass go up in the air. "I'm about to show you what I can do baby" he whispered in my air while rubbing my ass.

"Please dont do this Tyy!!" I cried as he was rubbing his dvck head along my clit.

"I love it when you say my name, say it again"

"No" I said moving away from him the best way possible.

He just followed my every move and gripped my sides, I felt him trying to force himself in. "Plleeaassee noo!"

"Stop fighting it, it's already in" he said as he was pushing himself in. And right then and there I started crying, feeling like everything I worked for to get myself together is gone.

I feel like I'm right back where I was back when I was younger. Like I'm not worth anything anymore like nothing matters. Eventually I stopped screaming because I realized that nobody was going to come. That there was nobody to help me.

When he was done he untied me and I just sat there and cried. After a while I built enough courage and made it to my shower. I got in turning on music and making the shower real hot. When I stepped in the shower I slid down the wall and crie as the water hit my body.

I just cried about everything that's been going on. I can never do anything right. I always get told that I ain't shyt and I'm starting to believe it.

After about two hours I got myself together, I packed a bag and headed out but not before getting stopped by my mom.

"Where you think you going" she slurred her words.

"Away from here i don't wanna live with you"

"You ain't shyt and don't nobody want ya bytch ass go upstairs."

"No I'm done with this shyt and done with you" I yelled.

"Take ya hoe ass upstairs letting Ty fvck and shyt" she scoffed.

"First off his alcoholic ass raped me and I know you heard me screaming but your drunk lazy ass ain't wanna move. Stay the fvck out my life." I left and slammed the door.

I walked down the street heading to Karon's house. It took me a minute before I got there and once he opened the doors all I did was cry.

He picked me up locked the door and took me upstairs to his room locking the door behind him.

"Chocolate what happened?"

"He raped me" I cried harder.

"Who is he!?"

"T-Tyyy" he came and held me because he knows who Ty is. Him and Ty got into it a couple times when he came to my birth giver's house to come get me.

"How did it happen?" he asked once I calmed down a little.

"He tied my wrists to the bed and did what he wanted."

"Why you let him?" he asked making me look at him in disbelief.

"What you mean why I let him?! You making it seem like I wanted to get raped like I wanted to fvck him!!"

"What did you do to prevent him?"

"I did everything I could."

"You screamed and fought back?" he asked nonchalant.

"Karon I have fvcking bruises on my body from him!! I have that fvcking memory in my head!! It's like my past is starting all over again"

"And it seem like you just letting it by not preventing this shyt!"

"What type of shyt is that!? You think I asked for the shyt and just not do nothing about it. Like I planned for this shyt to happen!?"

"I'm not saying you didn't. I mean...."

"You know what your a fvcking asshole and I fvcking hate you!!" I screamed leaving the house.

I can't believe that Karon just said all that shyt. Like I planned to get raped by Ty and I wanted it. For it to come from him is ridiculous and I don't appreciate it at all. That shyt really hurt my feelings.

I don't know who imma go too now.

---- Excuse my mistakes
---- Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Had a lot going on, I know the chapter short but bare with me as I try and come back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2015 ⏰

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