Chapter 2

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Kee's POV

     Mane I had a long day in school. All I could think about was my mother and seeing her again after 6 years. I couldn't even focus throughout the day. The only things popping up in my head were questions like: " What if she just want some money?? Why is she coming back?? Will she stay in my life?? Do she remember what I look like?? I hope she doing good?? What do I do?? ".

     Throughout the day I ignored everybody and just stayed to myself. I didn't even say anything to Karon.

     Karon is my boyfriend. He is 16 as well and a little darker than me. He is 5'7, husky, and wear glasses. He is so sexy. Karon is so such a sweetheart and been there for me through everything. Me and Karon have known each other since we was 9, he's always been my Bestfriendd, buh when we made it official on my 15th birthday.

      I'm now walking down the street to meet my mother. "I hope I don't regret this" I said aloud to myself as I reached the corner of 49th nd Race.

     It's now 3:45 and she is nowhere in sight. At this point I really don't care if she show or not. It just let's me know that she is not about her word and can not be counted on. "She got five mins to get here", I said as I saw a text from Karon.

Bae>> "Kee are you okaee babe??"

Me>> " Yes bae its jus a lot going on for me right now."

Bae>> " You wanna talk about it bae??"

Me>> " Not right now buh later we can. I should be back at the school at 4 can you wait for me??"

     As I looked up from sending that last text I noticed a pretty woman walking my way. She look young, probably no older than 25 and thick. This woman has a nice caramel skin complexion with long flowing black hair. She looks as if she's my height if not an inch taller, she's thick in all the right places and as she got closer she became more breath taken. This lady is just gorgeous all together.

     I was snapped out my thoughts when I heard a beep from my phone indicating I just received a message. I put my attention back to my phone to see I just got a text back from Karon.

     Just as I was about to replay I looked at the time and realized it was 3:51. I stared to turn around slowly about to head back to the school to meet Karon when I felt somebody grab my arm. I lifted my head and my eyes met with the hazel eyes of the pretty woman I was admiring not too long ago.


I know its not much buh tell me how you lik the story so far..

-Who do you think the woman is??

-How do you think Kee is going to react??

Feedback would be great!!

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