Chapter 11: Why Now

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I woke up to little hands poking at my face.

I could hear someone silently whisper, “Go jump on her and tickle her Rach.”  Next thing I knew, I was jumped on. “Bubba help me hold her down!” I groaned know exactly who it was. “Hunter, don’t you dare do it or you will regret it so deeply.” I said to him through my gritting teeth.

“Someones not a happy camper this morning.” He said standing next to me. “Anna I hungry and Bubba won’t get me food.” I open my eyes and see Cassy climbing on my bed. The past two weeks she has gotten attached to me. She couldn’t say my full first name so I told he to call me Anna. I even think Hunter is a little jealous.

“That is not true. I asked you if you wanted something and you said no and left.” Hunter replied. “Hunter stop arguing with her. She is only three.” Cassy was completely on my bed now laying beside me. “I like Anna food better.” She tells Hunter looking at me with an adorable smile plastered on her face. “I agree with Cass. Sorry Bubba.” Rachel says giving Hunter a hug.

I rise up from my bed. “Okay well let’s get y’all some food and then get ready. We have a long drive ahead of us. Let’s go little bit.” I stood up grabbing Cassy and placing her on my hip. “I think you need to teach me how to make a good breakfast.” Hunter says walking past me. “Will do Mister. Do you want to start today?” “No I think I will hold for now. I really enjoy your cooking.”

“When I lean in kiss his cheek. He will think I am going to kiss him.” I whisper to Cassy, she nods her head in response. “What are you whispering about.” “Nothing Mister. I was just telling Cass how adorable you look this morning.” He blushed. I walked up to him acting like I was gonna kiss him. He must have thought I was. He leaned down from his six foot three height. I got myself ready then BANG!!! Cassy kissed him.

“That was not nice. You need to stop teasing me.” He shoves me a little after I placed Cassy on the floor. “You need to stop being a drook and get the table ready. Rachel go help Bubba set the table please.” “Yes ma” I pointed to her, “Rachel, how many time have I told you not to call me ma. It makes me feel old.” She nods her head, “Yes ma… I mean yes no ma’s.” I laughed at her mix up.

She obeys and helps Hunter set the table. I placed Cassy on the island and had her help me count out the eggs and stir them into a bowl. She is getting better at counting, she can now count to ten. “Okay Cass, you can go play with you toys in the living room.” I put her back on the ground where she walked out of the kitchen.

I finish breakfast fairly fast this morning. We all sat down at the table and ate before going a getting cleaned up. I stayed behind to do the dishes. When Hunter came behind me. “I will finish the dishes. Just please go give them a bath. I can’t handle it.” He had a disgusting look upon his face. “Come on, it not that bad.” “Say so coming from a girl. I could handle it when they were younger but now I can’t. Cassy yes, Rachel no!” I laughed walking up the stairs.

I gave them their baths and got them into some comfortable clothes and had them sit in my room playing on my phone and Ipad. I hopped into the warm, delighted shower. Don’t worry I kept the door open so I could keep an eye on the girls.  And no they could not see me. I can see through on my side but they can only see my shadow.

I spent about 25 minutes washing my body and hair. I wrapped my robe around my cleaned body. I also wrapped my hair into a towel to let it dry a little. I walked out of the bathroom and toward my closet, checking on the girls as I went by. I put on some sweats and a t-shirt that said ‘People Hate Me Because They Can’t Be Me’.

“Are you ready to go. I have everything packed and ready to go.” Hunter asked walking into my room. “Yeah, just let me fix my hair.” He looked at my towel head, “Yes, please fix like.” I took the towel off and tired my damp hair into a ponytail.

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