Chapter 18: Wooden kisses

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'Now head to the place you would least expect. The expert will lead you to your next clue.'

Where is a place I would least expect? I really don't know where I am supposed to go. "Hunter!" I yell. "Can I please have a clue? I need help." He just looked at me. "Get in the truck."

We got in the truck and hit the highway. The music was playing soft in the background, but you could barely hear it over the truck.

"Fast think of a something!" Hunter quickly shouted. "Food!" I didn't even have to look at him to know he rolled his eyes. "What? I'm hungry. A fat girls gotta eat. Just sayin." This time he looked at me. "Annaleigh Faith Blue, don't make me stop this truck! You are not fat nor will we ever be. You are absolutely beautiful the way you are." I looked over at him. "Hunter Ray Evans, that was the sweetest thing someone has told me. Thank you!" I reached over the seat and peaked his cheek. He blushed a little and smiled. This guy is just the best.

We ended up in a shopping mall. A lady helped my to find my next clue.

3 down.... 7 left to find.

This clue so far is my favorite. It is talking about food.

'Food is on your mind isn't it. Hop back in the truck and inform me what you would like to have.'

We are in the truck but hold on. "Hunter, we just made a wrong turn." He just smiled and continued to drive.

My phone began to buzz. I looked at who it was but it was unknown.

'Not much longer. A few more of these and those and you will be done. Look behind your seat. There might just be some things back there that you will need. Hope you are having a good time. See you when you get here.'

I look into the back and there are a pair of brand new Durango's breast Cancer awareness boots. (In the picture) In the boots was another envelope. It read...

'I know pinks not your favorite color but I know breast Cancer runs in your family. I also know how you say a girl can never have too many boots. Well, here's another pair to add. I hope you love them. You will need them later, so have them ready. Now sit back and relax.'

That's exactly what I did. I relaxed. I have no clue where we are heading and all it seem is we are going further away from home. I trust Hunter, I just want to know what to expect. I ended up falling asleep. I was getting kinda tired so I took a little nap.

I was woken up by my phone going off again. Same unknown number.

'Sorry to wake you pretty girl but you are getting close and you still have 6 more clues. Look beside you. Do you see that smile on his face? You put that on him. I notice a lot, so do the others. You mean a lot to him. He is doing all this for you! All of it! He wanted to make this day special for you. The thing is... I have a surprise for the both of y'all. Oh look under your seat. Have fun! See you soon.'

The next envelope read....

'Put them boots on because we are almost there. Once you are out, look forward to sparks!'

Once I put the boots on we arrived. I looked out the window to find that we were at the old cabins that our families would come to twice a year. We would have so much fun. Play in the lake, have bonfires, and just have fun. Nirvana would tell me about it, cause I was so little. I do remember the last time though.

All the memories were flying through my mind. Then the sparks happened. I couldn't move. I couldn't think. I just looked into his eyes. "Come on. We have to go figure out your surprise." I followed Hunter as he lead me to two horses.

The horse that I rode had a sign around his neck. It said..... 'will' on it. In the bottom corner it read 'to be continued'.

I took the sign off and we began to ride. There was an envelope taped to a tree.

It read.... 'We knew each other when we were babies. There was a gap for some time and I don't want there to ever be again.'

We continued riding for a while till we found another one. This one was a little tricky. It was between two big rocks.

It read... 'You are absolutely beautiful! You always have been a beautiful girl. On the inside and out.'

All these little notes and letters are amazing! I am going to add all these into a scrapbook. Every note that I get that is sweet will probably go in it.

"We're getting closer. And you only have three more left. Speaking of these envelopes. There's one there." He pointed over to a bush. I bent down and quickly grabbed it. There was little not one front saying to wait, so I did. I put it in the saddle pouch. The other two had the same note on the front.

We finally got to our destinations. We were at a clearing in the middle of the woods. Beside the lake. The sun was beginning to set. "What are we doing here Hunter?" I asked, looking around. He dismounted and began to untack the horse. "We will be staying here tonight under the stars. If that is okay with you?" I dismounted and followed him. "Yes, that sounds wonderful!"

Just then my phone began to go off, along with Hunter's.

'Hey, I see that y'all have arrived. I hope you are having an amazing day. You can now open the last 3 envelopes to lead you to your final surprise.'

First one... 'You are almost done, just a little longer. How bout we have a little fun? Let go for a swim. Once you read the other envelopes, meet beside the lake.'

Second one... 'We met through our family and I would love to have a family with you one day in the future. Yea there was a gap but it seems like I have known you forever. I don't ever want you to leave me. If something happens then I hope it is just temporary.'

Third one... 'I brought you here because it was one of the last place I got to see you. It has many memories for the both of us. I hope that you love it. I also hope that you give me a chance.'

I have no clue what he is talking about with the chances. But I am now finished reading the letters so I am heading to the lake.

"Are you ready to go swimming," he ask. I nodded. I grabbed ahold of his hand as we began to walk into the water. The water feels nice but not for much longer. The weather will be getting colder and we won't be able to go swimming. So I am glad we did this today.

A few hours later we were heading out. We watched the sun set in the water. It was so romantic and lovely. So while we were doing all of this I didn't know that someone started a fire for us. We walked up to it and there was a piece of paper laying under a rock. I picked it up and began to read.

'Dear Annaleigh,
I have been planning this for a while now. I didn't know when the right time would be. But. when I got hurt, I knew I couldn't do it in Texas. You took care of both the girl and myself for weeks. Plus yourself. You are amazing! I want you to know that I do care about you. You mean a lot to me. Will you please look up at me?'

I slowly looked up at him to find him hold the other part of the sign that was on the horse. The sign that said 'Will and to be continued'. This sign said... 'Will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend?'

I couldn't breath. I couldn't talk. I was speechless. I just ran into his arms, kissing him passionately.

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