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I never realized how good of a game Pool was until I watched her.

Fingers run along my jaw, hoping to direct my face in the direction of what was the first choice to be my temporary distraction.

Don't get me wrong, she's attractive, tight-ass body in a clingy pastel purple slip dress. Her lips are incredibly plump but still clearly natural, wearing a natural peachy gloss. Her hair is long, blonde, and reaches down to her hips. She's got a slim-thick figure but I couldn't give a shit.

She's a horny, needy, groupie and I don't have any desire to fuck her anymore.

What does this groupie even do for a living? In my head... I'm putting one-hundred dollars on her being an "up-and-coming model" for sure.

"What you do for a living baby girl..?" I ask seductively, pretending to give two shits about what she does, getting a blush out of her, paired with a shocked expression.

"I like you, you want more from girls than just sex... Well, I'm working on my modeling career right now..." she smiles modestly though her voice is milky, tuned just right to get what she wants from me.

"Mhm," I hum, pulling out my wallet and grabbing a crisp hundred-dollar bill. "Put that to your career" I grumble, sliding out, opposite to her and straightening my stature, heading over to the oddly placed pool table in the private club.

She's fucking hot... like different hot... Her hair is short, only reaching her neck, but it perfectly shrouds her face in mystery. It sways with every movement she makes, just enough to seem gracious in a way. Her skin is sickly pale and her facial structure gives off the impression that she's from Northeast Asia. However, she's found herself in New York.

I don't know if she was born in Asia, but she's here now, and I'm loving it.

She's also wearing a slip dress, however, it's black, and it shows off her rack perfectly with that straight-cut cleavage. She's got nice ass tits... holy shit. Damn, I mean... the way she bends over the pool table, giving me a tiny peek at her black panties. Her legs are a sore sight for eyes, molded perfectly and covered in fishnet stockings.

"Just practicing or are you looking for someone to play against?" I pop up from behind her although I haven't appeared to scare her. I notice some blemishes on her face, so the only part of her face that appears to be wearing makeup is her eyes. She's got some thick eyeliner situation going on and I'm digging it.

She eyes me wearily, looking me over quickly though not changing her unimpressed expression, meanwhile I think it couldn't be more obvious how cool I find her.

"Depends... are you good?" She asks flatly, proceeding to bend back over, her ass getting terrifyingly close to my crotch. She bluffs with the cue a few times before sinking the final eight ball with a disturbing lack of effort.

"I uhm... never played before... willing to teach me?"

"Guys have been pulling this fucking flirt attempt thing on me all night, explain why you should be the exception" ok, she's a bit skeptical... but that's fair.

"Well... I know it's corny to flex but... I'm Eminem, plus I'm being dead serious, I don't know how to play and it seems fun" I shrug, smirking as I watch her turn to me with a shocked and still skeptical glare. She looks me up and down again before sucking on her teeth, the emotion fading from her face again.

"Ah, that's why you look familiar, well, I guess you're in a similar situation to me, so I respect what you do, I'll teach you." She sighs, confusing me.

If I'm being fully honest, something about her is familiar too.

I dated a chick for a while that looks similar to her, she was a freaky fuck-

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