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As weird as I feel after one of the most tense moments of my life, Marshall's show was absolutely incredible.

It started with sparks flying everywhere in a fake explosion of sorts.

I could hear Proof's voice sounding through the speakers, encouraging everyone to start screaming.

Me and Harris were already in great seats, but it was hilarious looking out at the crowd. Most of it was women... young women. They were screaming, crying, pushing into each other, it was insane.

I remember hearing Harris yell loudly to me, "My ego would be fucking flying through the roof if this many girls wanted to be with me!"

"His ego is flying through the roof!" I snap back with a laugh, making him chuckle, although I only see it on his face, unable to hear him over the noise.

The stage had what looked to be a building or apartment complex. One of the doors on the building appeared to look like a garage door, metal and covered in graffiti designs. It opened in the start, pooling out with smoke, announcing his entrance to everyone.

Apparently he was wearing a suit for the opening song, Evil Deeds. It has something to do with his album, Encore, which most of the songs from the concert ended up being from.

After that, he came back out in a white wife beater, red sweats with black lines down the side and a red Durag on his head. I don't see why he wears them, it's not like he needs to protect his bleached hair that he probably brushes through... once a week at most.

It made me feel happy for him when he started tearing up singing that song for his daughter. As much as I was pissed off in the moment about him leaving me for a bitch who happened to have his child,

He doesn't seem to care for anything other than his daughters and maybe me a little. He's grown a lot colder since high school, but there are select moments, like the night we first met again when I noticed his wanting, hoping for me take him back.


Walking the hall down to Marshall's dressing room, Harris is loosing his shit, occupying my mind with his rambling. At least I don't have any ability to think about anything other than his constant talking...

"That was fucking amazing" Harris exclaims, seemingly high on the concert alone. "I can't believe you invited me to this, and we aren't even done having fun! I can't wait to actually talk to fucking Eminem! I hope we aren't on the wrong foot though... He seemed pissed earlier, where did you guys go..? What did you do...?"

Fucking god, he talks too fucking much some times, especially with the god damn questions...

"Christ Harris... you don't get to know the answer to every question!" I grumble, swiping a cig from his finger, yes douche bag move considering he was going to have it.

"Aye! if you're going to steal my cigarette, at least tell me what you guys did! I'm putting my money on a blowjob" he grumbles, handing his lighter to me.

"Well, almost... pretty much..." I grumble, not wanting to tell him exactly that I jerked him off with my tits... but hey his dick was in my mouth...

"What the fuck does 'pretty much' mean?" He asks with an intrigued grin, sliding his own cig out of the box before stuffing it in the inner pocket of his blazer.

"Well... it was in my mouth... that's all I'll disclose, cause this conversation is incredibly uncomfortable now..." I sigh, making him through his hands up in defeat.

"Alright, fine..." he giggles childishly, looking me up and down with a look that tells me he's looking at me in a new light.

Who cares...

I swing the door to his dressing room open, watching him pulling his wife beater off over his head, giving me a gorgeous view of his back as his muscles flex.

"Oh baby" Harris comments, my instant reaction being elbowing him in the arm.

"Apologies, he's a big fan... maybe more of... you then your music..." I grunt, watching him turn around with an uncomfortable look on his face.

"Sorry- uh, I'll leave you too, but I don't know where to go..." he offers, making Marshall narrow his eyes at him.

"Go in the break room, you can go in the limo with the guys" Marshall tells him, his voice sounding hostile and frustrated with him.

"Right on, nice speaking to you!" He responds charismatically, walking off and leaving just me and Marshall.

His frustrated facial expression calms, eyes softening and jaw relaxing.

"Well... what'd you think..?" He asks, completely shirtless, walking up to me slowly. His arms coming around my waist. The feeling of his sweating chest against my breasts turns me on slightly...

"It was really impressive... hot..." I grin, making him smirk softly.

"You want to see something impressive..?" I ask him, pulling the cigarette from between my lips and holding it tightly, dropping the hand down to my side and tapping off the built up ashes before bringing it back to my mouth.

"Uh... sure..?" He follows along, tilting his head curiously and watching my every move.

I close my mouth, sucking on my own tongue until I feel there's a sufficient amount of saliva accumulated.

I finally open it, sticking it out and bringing the lit end of it to my tongue, pushing it down against the middle, semi upper part of my tongue.

It stings slightly, but over all it isn't too bad. The smoky, grainy taste is gross, but I withstand it for the absolutely shocked look on his face.

His face heats up, mouth agape as he looks at the corners of my mouth tilting up with satisfaction.

"Does... does that hurt..?" He chokes out the question, eyes wide as I softly feel something form below.

"You're getting off on this..?" I ask in a cocky tone, pulling the cig off and tossing it to the floor. I bring two fingers into my mouth, wiping the small amount of ashes off my tongue with them, giving him eyes that scream 'fuck me'.

His face is completely blank, making me satisfied, knowing the trick worked, his clothed dick pressing against my thigh.

"Well... uh- fuck Esdeath, how do you do this shit to me" he gives up trying to explain himself, running his tongue along his bottom lip subtly.

I bring my hands to the sides of his face, softly pushing my lips on to his, sliding my tongue along his bottom lip before nibbling on it.

His hands travel to my ass, squeezing it tightly as he forces his tongue into my mouth. His crotch subtly rubs against mine, his boner pressing against my clit perfectly, making me moan into his mouth softly.

He pulls away from me suddenly, eyeing my tits, tightly pushed up against his chest.

"In the limo" he simply states, twisting my body around and forcing me to walk out of the dressing room in front of him, covering up his little dilemma.

Tonight... is gonna be long...

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