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My makeup has been done and my dress is making me look like an utter god. I hope Harris is dressed down slightly, because a suit is not something you're going to find at an Eminem concert or an after party. I'm hoping he'll at least refine himself to a pair of well fitting jeans and a regular t-shirt.

Knowing I'm going to be out till incredibly late, I've brewed myself a singular coffee to get some caffeine in me. It's a precautionary measure...

I dial Harris's number as I take a sip from my French vanilla creation. Tasting eloquently sweet, an incredibly precise amount of vanilla.

"I'll see you in thirty minutes tops, explain the reason why you're calling me" he questions instantly, causing me to narrow my eyes in annoyance.

"What? Are you with a client or something? Why are you so snappy three seconds into the call? I called to ask what you're wearing" I grumble, taking another sip and verbally moaning at the taste, "fucking god I can make a good coffee" I don't feel the need to actually say so out loud other than the fact that I want to make an indirect explanation for my moaning.

"Don't have phone sex with me, I'm not participating... anyways, I'm just going to wear my work attire, I don't have time to change. Besides, it shows off that I'm more important than most the people there." He chuckles into the speaker of the phone, making me roll my eyes.

To be fair, when we show up together, we will look ten times more important than practically everyone, which is quite enticing.

"I was hoping you'd dress down a bit, but we'll look pretty cool, so I'm not going to object" I sigh, faint smile on my face.

Harris can make things fun strictly by bringing his energy and I'm excited to spend time with him without the other guys around.

"Alright, I'm going to hang up now, I'm in the convenient store looking at magazines. According to USA Today, liberals are taking over the world, alien style" he chuckles, making me crack a laugh.

"Also known as: Republicans are at it again, correct?" I question, taking another sip of my coffee, watching the sun shinning through the large concert buildings, setting slowly.

"Yeah, pretty much, see you around" he speaks in an enthusiastic tone, indicating that he's definitely grinning.

"Alright, bye" he hangs up quickly after and I place my phone on the counter, finishing up the last major sips of my coffee and placing it in the sink.

I head over to a random ass full length mirror that I have next to my front door, strictly for checking myself out before I leave. I mess with my slicked back hair slightly, attempting to add a more laid back look to it. I don't ever use anymore makeup than black eyeliner. The dark circles under my eyes are not at all concealed, but I don't give two shits about them.

Not that he'll care about them whatsoever. His eyes will probably not be able to escape looking at my tits.

My phone suddenly starts buzzing, and it could be practically anyone I know, so I head back over to my kitchen counter and grab at it. The screen reads the front desk number, so I pick up, bringing it to my ear.

"Mrs. Domitia, there is a chauffeur here for you" I hear the front desk host speak to me.

Chauffeur...? Did Marshall send me a fucking ride? Shit.

"Mhm, I'll be down in a moment" I assure him, hanging up and grabbing my small Saint Laurent clutch and slipping my phone into it.

The gold chain of it matches with the gold accents on the straps of my dress. I feel quite confident with the look I've pulled together, appreciated how everything works together.

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