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I awkwardly pull her out of the tub with me, keeping her body in front of mine to shield anyone from seeing my dick poking through my swim shorts like a god damn tent.

"Where are we going...?" She asks, sounding angry as I direct her into the house on auto-pilot, my body shivering slightly.

"To my bedroom, relax" I tell her in a hurried and agitated tone.

I highly doubt that she'll put out for me, maybe if we didn't have history, but she's clearly still pissed with me.

By the time we get to the stairs leading up, there isn't anyone around to see us, all of them hanging around outside. I move in front of her and grab her wrist, noticing when I wrap my hand arm it that it fits quite small in mine.

I pull away the sexual thoughts and trudge up the stairs, getting some hesitance from her.

"I don't know how I feel about you assuming I'm going to fuck you" she mutters as I open my bedroom door and pull her in.

"I don't want that, just stop" I groan angrily although it's quite the lie, my dick liking the idea of putting her in her place more and more.

Images flash in my mind of her begging me to be gentle, whining out loudly as I push into her with all I've got.

Not that Esdeath would let me do that.


"Yeah right, and the sky is green!" she scoffs sarcastically, calling me out on my bullshit.

"Just come here" I command, pulling her into the bathroom and finally letting go of her wrist, though now worried she'll run off.

I get in the shower and turn it on, nervously waiting for it to heat up as I watch her skeptical gaze.

"Come, just take a shower with me, that's it" I offer, striking my hand under the flow of water for a millisecond just to test the warmth. It's sufficient enough so I bring my whole body under.

She gives me a disinterested stare, but she clings her arms around her body, clearly cold. Glancing over her freezing state once more, she lets out a sigh before getting in with me. The shower is pretty large, having two shower heads so she occupies the second.

She just stands under it, still keeping her arms wrapped around her, eyes closed.

"You good?" I blurt out, and while she hasn't been anything like the girls I'm used to inviting in my bedroom, I still have a sense something is off in this moment.

"No, you've spent the first part of the night making me feel somewhat positive toward you again and then after that you've been a complete dick just to keep up your bullshit persona for those fucking idiots." She spits, running her hands through her hair, pulling it out of her face and slicking it back.

I don't know how to respond to her when she says stuff like this...

"Aye, I ain't that bad" I try to justify softly, really just hoping she doesn't actually see me as this egotistical loser who just wants validation from my friends. "Also my friends aren't idiots."

"Mhm, probably not, but what makes me upset is this stupid charade you people play where they pretend to be this cocky larger than life character that they aren't. They probably are smart on some level, but they're too busy acting like their dicks and their money are the only defining characteristics about them. I liked hanging out with you before, you had interesting things to say, you asked me interesting questions, we had a fun time, I didn't have fun being thrown in the pool fully clothed as a way for you to pull out a shitty pick up line" she rambles angrily, making me feel like a dick... yeah, dick move I guess.

"I'm sorry about that, honestly I am, but do you never get tired of deconstructing everything? Doesn't being so aware of the reasoning behind everything kind of drive you nuts..? I obviously got my times where I can spit straight facts and say smart shit, but I do that for my career, when I go out with my friends, I wanna let loose, not feel like I gotta say someone smart every second... just be. Esdeath, ain't this fucking history repeating itself?" I tell her softly, watching her eye me before removing herself from below the shower head.

"That's a fair statement, I just don't see why you felt like inviting me here, you said you wanted me here cause I'm not boring like them but then proceed to act exactly like them. So essentially you just wanted to get in my pants? If you really wanted to repair the shit you fucked up between us, why do this?"

"I- uh- I don't really have an answer to that... You're right, I mean, this is like your least favorite thing in the world. I just really miss you Esdeath, I've been missing you. Ain't no girl's like you and it pissed me off while trying to get over ya. I don't want you to leave, I don't want to loose you again... not saying I have you back but... I do want you..." I mumble on, slowly getting closer to her, accidentally backing her up against the glass without realizing it. One of my hands rests on the glass beside her shoulder.

Hmm, maybe I'm too close right now.

"So you just want to be back together again..?" She questions, biting her lip awkwardly as she looks at the little space between us.

"Looking at it now... uh- yeah, that's what I want..." I tell her sadly, realizing I'm not sure what I'm doing right now.

I don't want a relationship but I don't-don't want a relationship...

I lean in slowly and press a soft kiss to her lips that she doesn't reject. They're warm and incredibly soft, making want to devour them, but I take it slow, making sure she has a chance to stop me at any moment.

She brings a hand to my chest, but she doesn't really push on it. Just incase, I pull my lips away anxiously, resting my forehead on hers.

"I might consider it under one condition..." She tells me in a cynical tone, opening the door slightly.

Excitement fills me, overwhelmed with the possibility I have to maybe make amends with her.

"Yeah- Yeah, whatever it is!" I say honestly, blushing as she looks up at me.

"We get out of the shower and we just talk... I want to know how I feel about you when all else is removed. I don't want sex or any superficial shit, I just want to talk."

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