361 15 3

A.N. Fluff, Fluff, FLUFF

"Mhm... Marshall..." lips press against my neck, attempting to stir me awake.

I have no desire to open my eyes, just knowing the sun coming through my windows will make me squeeze them closed again.

His lips steal mine, tongue sliding against my lips, slowly slipping inside my slightly agape mouth.

His warm body presses on top of me, hands grazing my body softly, tickling me gently. His legs resting between mine, and I bring mind around his waist slowly, trailing my feet along his thighs and lower back.

His tongue twirls around mine, and I taste a subtle hint of coffee running against my taste buds.

He must have figured out how to use my coffee machine... huh...

I can't help but flutter my eyes open for an utter second.

The sunlight stings delicately against my unadjusted eyes, but I get to see the way the warm sun shines against Marshall's face. His eyelashes full, and gorgeous with his eyes closed, keeping his attention on the kiss.
His hair looks gorgeous in the sun...

The way he kisses me...
It seems as if he's pouring all his desperation into it.
Lips locking with yearning.
Tongue itching for some security.
He kisses me like he needs to feel safe.
I welcome it fully.
I want to know all the ways he's been hurt.
My lips want to know the ways he's been hurt.
Maybe... I can help, even a little, in making the pain drift away.
Hell, maybe he could help peel away mine.

Fucking god.
Here I am, after all this time, still helplessly and frantically in love with him...

His lips pull away from mine and I feel a pang of if something foreboding in me for a mere second, disappointed the kiss was ending.

My eyes flicker open slowly, looking at his face, full of such authentic love. The way his blue eyes gaze at me, practically mesmerizing. The sprinkle of freckles on his cheeks look like peppered cinnamon, making me wish I could kiss his face all over.

"I made you a coffee..." he sweetly mumbles to me, his voice so warm and loving.

I fully believe he's never stopped loving me.
I feel ashamed that I practically never thought about him.
I didn't have the time to.
Business was all I've ever thought of since I left Detroit.
But he seems to have kept me in his head, and I can see it in every action he carries around me.

"I also got you a couple Advil... you've got a nice ass place by the way, holy fuck" he chuckles, making me feel incredibly accomplished.

That's all my hard work.
That's right bitches.
That's my dough.

"Mhm, thank you..." I smile at him, pressing a kiss to his nose, showing a fraction of the physical affection I'd like to give him.

He sits up leisurely, the sheets cascading off of him, showing off his abs to me in the gorgeous sunlight.

His hand goes to my nightstand, softly picking up the Advil pills in his three fingers, thumb, pointer, middle. He brings his hand to my mouth and slips them inside through my softly closed lips.

"Shimmy up a bit" he tells me, sliding off my body and grabbing my coffee for me.

I sit up slightly, enough so that when I drink, I won't literally choke. He passes it to me before lying down properly, right next to me, arm draping over my stomach.

I swallow the coffee, pleased with the French vanilla taste from the puck used. Well at least he found them instead of trying to brew it himself.

I let out a low, soft moan at the taste, getting an appreciative grin from him.

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