Chapter nineteen

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When I opened my eyes I saw almost naked women all around us. Billy brought us to a damn strip club.

"Are you kidding me right now? You could've thought of anywhere else!" I yell at the boy beside me.

"It was the first place I thought of! You should be happy that you aren't dead right now!" he yells back at me.

We were rushing out before we could get caught and the fact that Darla was way too young to see this stuff.

"Come on, come on, come on." Billy said hastily pushing us through the doorway.

"Why are you covering my eyes?" Darla whined from Mary's arms.

"Really? This is the first place you think of? Wow!" Mary agrees with me and gets after Billy.

"You're welcome!"

"Why can't I see what's inside?" Darla whined again.

"You are not old enough." I tell her.

"Old enough to know that was great music." she responded happily.

"Not my thing." Pedro said when I looked at him concerningly.

"Where's Freddy?" me and Billy asked worryingly.

Then we see Freddy walk out of the building.

"Yeah, you, to, Sriracha. Hey, have a holly jolly Christmas." he calls to someone behind the door.

"Freddy! What are you doing?" I ask him angrily.

"Nice people."

"Nice people? Come on." Billy said to him and he started to walk away.

"Is that glitter? They have glitter! Can I get glitter." Darla says excitedly when she saw Freddy was covered in glitter.

"No, not from them." Mary responded.

"Please?" she pleaded.


Then lightning and more screaming was heard from the building and Dr. Sivana burst through the roof and floated above us.

"Go, go, go. Everybody, go!" Billy yelled at us, starting to run. "Freddy? Freddy. Freddy. One, two, three. Up, up. Up we go." Billy said to him and carried him, speeding ahead. The rest of us caught up a little after, meeting up in front of the carnival.

"Carnival, go! Go. Mary, Y/n, go. Come on, Pedro. Come on." he said, rushing all of us.

"Wait! They'll see you!" I said to him, gesturing to the people at the carnival.

"It's ok."

"Don't run, but don't walk. Just be cool. Act naturally, like kids naturally act in a carnival. He's not gonna look for us here." he said acting very paranoid.

"Is that him?" we hear a girl yell, attracting attention to Billy.

"Oh, my God!" "Dude, it's Zap-tain America!" "Power Boy!" a bunch of kids yell.

"He's just an impersonator, okay?" Freddy said, trying to get them to stop... but it didn't work.

"Yeah, I'm an impersonator! I'm a fake version of myself. Don't take pictures." Billy said quickly but at this point people were all around him. "Shazam!" thunder roared and lightning lit up the sky before striking Billy. Everyone was confused and wondered where the superhero had gone. When the smoke cleared Billy found us and pushed us through the crowd to a small clearing.

"Oh, my God! Billy!" I said relived and hugged him. Once we pulled away he pulled me back in for a kiss. Which was short lived due to Dr. Sivana's voice booming over the crowd.

𝐴𝑝ℎ𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒-𝘚𝘏𝘈𝘡𝘈𝘔! (Billy Batson x reader)Where stories live. Discover now