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"Oh my god!" Australia exclaimed, "Why the fuck are there 21 Moscow's in America!"

"Are any coastal?" England asked, typing on his own computer.

"The one in Rhode Island..." he muttered, "never mind it's inland. Fuck!"

"Try St. Petersburg," Switzerland said, looking through the booklet that was in the box.

"It's in Florida! This took way too long!" Denmark yelled.

"Finally! The awesome me is getting tired of staring at this stupid computer!"

"We can't leave yet, we have to wait for Norway and Iceland," Finland said, "these artifacts are useless if we don't know how to use them."

"I agree, we wait," Germany said, Poland sighing and putting his feet up on the table. Many just went around doing business and unimportant paperwork. The three Nordics that were around were talking with Estonia. Latvia was talking with Lithuania, Belarus, and Poland, Romano was scribbling something down.

Austria, Hungary, Czechia, Slovakia, South Korea, and India had all left, being called back to their nations by their leaders.

"This will be dangerous~aru," China said, "we have no weapons."


"I have enough," he nodded, "follow."

He stood, walking out of the meeting hall, the other nations following behind him timidly. He opened something that looked like a janitor's closet but was in fact coated with weapons on every wall.

Lots of AK-47's and grenades.

Finland slipped in, going for one of the sniper rifles on the wall and grabbing an assortment of bombs.

Many nations went through the weapon stock, some confused as to why he had it and others going 'it's Russia this isn't surprising'.

"I wondered where you went," Norway said, standing in the doorway with his arms crossed. He didn't look happy. Iceland followed behind him as he walked over to Germany.

"Norway, you know true elemental magic correct?" Germany asked, slipping a pistol into his bag.

"I know of it," Norway shrugged, "and I know how to do it with the proper supplies."

"Follow me," Germany said, Iceland and Norway following as well as a few nations who were done with the weapon extravaganza.

Russia watched as Norway went through the jars, a surprised look on his face as he did so before slipping them in his pocket with the wand. He went through the items and somehow got each to work (the fan almost burned the place down). They got put back in the box as the nations got ready to leave. Backpacks and bags thrown over their backs, they walked to the airport, which wasn't to far away.

The issue, there wasn't any flights from Moscow to St. Petersburg in Florida.

They ended up standing in a group, trying to figure out what the fuck they were supposed to be doing before a human walked over. A few were worried that they were gonna get told to leave, but Russia recognized him.

"Here," Russel whispered, handing him a set of keys, "solar powered, has enough room. It looks like a mini version of a passenger plane."

"Where are you going?" Ivan asked, studying the keys in his hand.

"Away," Russel replied, running off into the crowd.

"Who... was that?" Mexico asked, his eyes trying to follow where Russel had gone but failing.

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