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"Welcome back my sweet niece." A smile stretched across Crowleys face. Piper sat up and looked at him. She took a deep breath and looked around. "How do you feel?" She got up and slowly walked over to look into the mirror. She studied her new identity. She stared deeply into her own two eyes. Black as black could be. She blinked and watched as her eyes flickef back to their normal blue color. A smile appeared on her face as she turned to face her uncle.

"How do I feel?" She repeated his question. "Uncle Crowley. I don't think I've felt this much relief in my whole entire life. I feel so weightless. Why didn't I do this sooner? Also.. if the doctors couldn't fin anything wrong with me, why was I in a coma?"

"Well, simply because you were still alive. And the reason for the coma was, youre demonic powers. Your demon side has slowly been taking over your life since you were born. It finally took full control and now, well, youre better now." He said with a devilish smile. "Come on. We have to get our of here before the next team of morticians come in for their shift." Piper nodded and started walking out the door. "What are you doing?" Crowley asked.

"Uhm... leaving.."

"No no no darling. Dont you know, you're able to teleport now." Her eyes widened. Crowley laughed. "Just think long and hard about where you want to go and poof-" He put a hand on her shoulder. "-we're there!" Suddenly she looked around and they were in a completely different place. An extremely large home. Absolutely beautiful.

"Where are we??" Piper asked.

"You can call it, my little heaven in hell." He said. "Were in my home, in hell of course."

"This so cool!"

"Oh I almost forgot! Do you know how excited Sam and Dean are going to be when they find our youre alive????" Pipers smile quickly faded. "What?"

"I dont know.. its just. I need some time to myself. I mean I love them to death, but they're ticking time bombs. As much as I hate it, I'm going to keep my distance for a while for the sake of both their lives and mine. He nodded.

"Well whenever you want to see them. I'll take you."

"Thank you. I just think its best not to see them right now." He sympathetically smiled. "But wait... Uncle Crowley. Aren't you the one who told me that 50% of hell wants to kill me??? Why am I down here?" She asked, her voice rose and fell with each word.

"You're a lot more powerful than they are."

"I was ten times more powerful than them even when I was alive."

"Well now youre twenty times more powerful than they are!" She stared at him. "Let me just put it this way. They're going to have no choice but to respect you. You'll find out why soon."

"Uncle Crowley!!!!" She yelled. "Just tell me! Whats going on??"

"Alright fine!" He threw his hands up in defense. "I wanted to wait to tell you until your 26th birthday, which is in 2 weeks by the way, but i seems as though you cant wait." He smirked.


"Piper, I've stepped down from the thrown. You are now the Queen of Hell." She stared at him. A wide smile grew across her face.

"Queen.... Oh my. Youre kidding?!?" He shook his head. "I can't believe this!! I'm... i'm awesome!!" She threw her arms around him. "Thank you Uncle Crowley. This is the best." Crowley laughed.

"Long live the Queen."

It was about 11am when Dean got up. He walked downstairs to see Sammy up and watching the news.

"Coffees made." Sam called out. Dean poured himself a cup and sat next to his brother. Dean read the news paper while Sam ate breakfast.

"Stolen body at Smith County Morgue?" The news woman said. "Last night around 4am, police were called to Smith County Morgue, just outside of Lebanon, last night due to an alleged body snatcher! A team of morticians clocked in to their shift only to find the body of 25 year old Piper Davis to be missing." Dean and Sam both shot their heads up to look at eachother and then at the television.

"Turn it up." Dean said.

"Theres no trace of footprints, no fingerprints nothing. Whoever did this was very skilled but were determined to find him." Said a police officer being interviewed.The look in Deans eyes told Sam he needed to stop watching this. He quickly shut the tv off. They sat in silence for a minute.

"Uhm.. Dean." Dean got up and put his jacket on. "What are you doing?"

"We're going down to the Smith County Morgue." He said.

"Dean sit down. Lets talk about this." Sam tried to get Dean to calm down. "Please?"

"We did all the talking we needed to. We're going to the morgue." Sam stood up now and grabbed his brothers arm. He quickly yanked it away. "Don't you get it??"

"Yes, Dean, I do get it. We all loved her so much. But shes gone. Look, you're already completely drained. You look like you haven't slept in days. You need rest." There was a slight pause. Dean shook his head.

"No. No you don't get it. You think you do, but you don't you hear me?" Sam just stared at him. "Dead or alive. Heaven or Hell. Angel or demon, there is nothing, and I mean nothing, i would put before her. Besides my little brother."

"Then listen to your little brother."

"Not on this one, Sammy." He opened the door and, to his surprise, Chuck was standing there. Crying. "Chuck.. whats goin on?" He walked in.

"I should've said something. I shouldnt have just left like that." He began panicking. "I'm so sorry."

"Woah. Easy easy. What's going on???" Chuck just stared at him.

"Its about Piper." He said.

"We know... we saw it on the news her bodys-" Chuck quickly interrupted Dean.

"No no no no no shes not dead. Pipers not dead."

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