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The drive back home was agonizingly silent. Piper felt Dean, Sam, and Nats eyes staring her down. She finally got tired of it and spoke up.

"Oh what on Earth on you guys staring at me for?" She asked. Accent very distinct. They didnt answer. "Come on. We've been on the road for 3 and a half hours and not one of you has said a word!"

"We're just a little shocked... thats all.." Natalie, who was sitting in the backseat with her, answered.

"Its been so long and youve changed so much.. in a good way.. of course." Sam added. Piper crossed her arms.

"Changed?? Changed how?"

"Well to start things off you dyed your hair black. I liked you as a blonde but im not gonna lie... you can pull off any color." Nat said petting her hair.

"And youre the Queen of Hell. And I don't think any of us understand how that happened." Sam put out there. He situated himself so that he was turned, facing Piper.

"Its pretty simple actually. Uncle Crowley resigned. Gave me the throne and crown. And disappeared off the face of the Earth. I havent seen him in about a year and a half. After he taught me everything I needed to know about being queen, he left everything to me." She shrugged. "I kinda miss him. Its pretty hard having to rule Hell and keep everything in order."

"And why are you british now???" Dean finally spoke up.


"Im sorry. Irish. Why are you suddenly talking like the leprechauns." Piper crinkled her nose at his response.

"After my uncle left ive been residing with my grandmother. His mother. Shes obviously Irish so it kind of stuck with me." She sighed. "And must you compare me to a leprechaun?? They're not Irish. They're just a bunch of short, pissy, dicks." Dean began laughing and Sam smacked him. "Something funny?"

"Just the fact that they're a bunch of... short, pissy dicks." Dean said causing Sam and Natalie to laugh. Piper smirked and shook her head. "Im just messing with you, Pip. It's great to have you back." She didn't answer.

"Piper??" Natalie exclaimed. She looked around. She was gone. She disappeared out of nowhere. "Shit. Where did she go??"

"What???" Sam yelled turning around.

"What do you mean where did she go????" Dean asked pulling over on the side of the rode.

"Well Dean, shes not in the back seat like she was 10 seconds ago. So take a wild guess at what I mean!" Dean raised his eyebrows.

"Why do you have to get shitty?? I ask a simple question and you always act like it was the dumbest question to ever be asked."

"Well, mainly because, most of your questions ARE extremely dumb!" Nat bit back.

"Are you kidding me?!? I'm just as worried about the safety, and well being of my girlfriend, just as much as you are. So i'm allowed to ask questions no matter how stupid they may sound!!"

"Girlfriend??? What makes you think shes your girlfriend? How do you know in the past two years, she hasn't met another screwball of a guy??"

"Nat..." Sam intervened.

"Another screwball? Are you implying that I'm a screwball?" Dean laughed. "If I didnt know any better, Natalie, I'd think you're jealous."

"Come on, Dean. You know that's going to make things worse.." Sam said quietly in between the argument.

"Jealous?" Natalie exploded with laughter. "I have everything.." She pointed to Sam. "..That I need! Why would I be jealous?" By this time, Dean had pulled over on the side of the road and was now turned around having a screaming match with Natalie. Sam let it go on for a few minutes. Finally, Sam got tired of it.

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