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That night, Piper fell asleep in Deans arms. Once he realized she was for sure asleep he laid her down. He stood up and stared at her. She didnt look like the bright happy Piper he first met. She looked sad. She looked so drained. He shook his head and walked downstairs and sat at the table. Speechless. Completely, and utterly speechless. Sam popped out from around the corner and poured himself, and his brother a cup of coffee. When placed in front of him, Dean just looked down and stared at it. Sam sat across from him.


"Sammy, don't." Dean interrupted. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head. "I barely slept. I didn't fall asleep until I knew for a fact that she was asleep." He said. Sam studied him for a moment. He had bags under his eyes. He looked so tired, Sam couldnt help but feel terrible.

"Well.. can I asked what happened? You said you'd tell me." Dean licked his lips and hesitated.

"She almost killed herself, Sam. I caught her, literally. She was already on her way to the ground when I caught her wrist just in time." He covered his mouth.

"Thats why the window was open..." Dean slowly nodded. "My God.." Sam bit his bottom lip trying his hardest not to cry.

"It was my fault, Sammy. She did it because of what I said." Sam shook his head and sat up.

"Why would you think something like that? What could you have possibly said to make you think something like that?"

"I triggered her memories. I was so caught up on the fact that I was scared to loose her that I completely forgot about everyone she lost in her life. And I brought it up. I told her she had no clue what it felt like to loose someone you cared so much about. To loose someone who's death could've been prevented. God dammit I raised my voice at her. Im a monster, Sammy. This is my fault. All my fault." Dean tried forcing the tears back but failed. Crying, he said. "I wasn't thinking! I was just so scared! She was okay. She was happy for a while. But i had to bring that up. She could've died tonight and it would've been my fault."


"I'm going to bed. Goodnight." He got up and stormed upstairs to his room where Piper was sleeping. When he opened the door, to his surprise, she was wide awake. The tv was on and she was propped up on a bunch of pillows. "You're up!" She looked at him with sad eyes.

"It's not your fault." His faint smile was gone. "I've never been happy, Dean." He sat down next to her on the bed and covered both of them up with the giant duvet.

"You heard all that?" She shook her head.

"Im part demon. I know what you thinking... what you feel." She laid her head on his chest. "I just don't want you to think this breakdown is your fault when it was just me exploding from faking the happiness for the past 20 or so years." She looked up at him. "Dean. Stop it. Its not your fault." He shook his head.

"You don't have to lie to me, Pip. If not all, this is partially my fault. I coul've lost you last night all because I jarred your memory. I was thinking to much of myself. I don't know what I was thinking." He kissed her on the head. "Im not sure how I'd live with myself if I was the reason you-"

"Dean." She interrupted quietly. The small, but noticeable break in her voice when she said his name was enough to makes him shutup. He just nodded and pulled the blanket over Piper. He rubbed her back until she fell asleep again. Not long after, Dean fell asleep too.


The next morning, Piper opened her eyes. Only to quickly shut them again bc of the blinding light. She looked up at Dean, who was still fast asleep. She shrugged and easily slipped out of bed and made her way down stairs to make breakfast. Sam hadnt woken up yet. Although, she usually was the one who always woke up.

She made herself waffles with a glass of orange juice. After a few bites of her waffles she developed a headache. She didn' think much of it so she continued eating. It wasn't even a minute later, her headache got worse. She held her head and grabbed medicine. It didn't help. She sat on the couch with her head in her hands. The pain was causing her to not be able to see straight. She was dizzy. Piper then decided that maybe it'd be a good idea to take stronger medicine. But when she got up, she instantly collapsed to the ground, landing on her hands and knees. It felt like someone was stabbing her in the stomach. She struggled as she tried to get up. But she just couldn't.

Using as much energy as she could, she tried to call for Sam and Dean. But the words wouldn't come out. Her heart was racing. She was dripping sweat and she couldn't breathe. Although she was scared shitless, she stayed calm and crawled to the bathroom to get a cold wash cloth to put on her forehead. She used every ounce of energy she had left to pull her self up to the sink. Once up, she kept her eyes shut because of the immense dizziness. Then she opened them again. And when she opened them, she gasped and tried to scream. She tried so hard. Staring back at her weren't her bright blue eyes. No. Staring back at her were two large, eyes.. all black. She blinked a few times but it wouldn't go away. Just then a wave of dizziness came over her and she collapsed to the floor. Out cold.

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