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Piper was beyond pissed off. How could Lydia treat her like that? They've been best friends since highschool and she doesnt trust her?? Its not like she had some kind of disease. So, in order to cool off, she went to the only other place she could think of, Megs. She lived in a hard to find, little cabin that very few people knew about.

As she pulled in, Meg was standing in the doorway almost expecting her to show up.

"I knew you'd be back sweetheart." She said with her arms wide open. Piper hugged her and forced a smile through her clenched jaw. Meg chuckled a bit. "Come on in. I'll give you a some clothes." She offered noticing the rips in her dress. She gave Piper a pair of jean with a white tank top and black jacket. "Okay. Now, tell me everything that happened."

"Meg." Piper began, putting her jacket on a hook. "I thought I'd be able to keep cool and stay calm but I almost killed the bitch. She was one fucking click away from dying." She said while snapping her fingers.

"Who exactly are we talking about here? And why?"

"Lydia. The angel. Castiels wife."

"Her daddy put her in charge of shit and it went to her head didn't it?" Piper grabbed a beer and took a sip, nodding. "Why'd you almost kill her then? Attitude?"

"Not only that. Meg, she dumped a cup of holy water on me. Holy water. Because I stepped an inch to close to her daughter and she thought I'd hurt her."

"So she dumped holy water on you?? What a bitch. Luckily you got out of there. I would've killed her if I were you." Meg said smirking.

"Thats why I came here. My grandmother was the one who mentored me and help me control my violence. After what just happened I dont think I can control it. Its not gone and if I wouldnt have left, I would've killed everyone. Sam, Dean, Cas, everyone. It wouldn't have ended pretty and I still feel it. It wont go away." Piper began shaking and Meg shifted a bit, noticing how uncomfortable Pip was becoming. "Fuck.." She put her hand to her head.

"Alright, Piper. Calm down. You need to breathe." Suddenly, she dropped her beer and fell to her knees. "Piper. Shit." She rushed to her. Piper began shaking, and crying. Then suddenly, Dean burst through the door. "Dean????"

"I followed her here. Thank God I stayed." He hurried towards her as Meg backed away. Dean took her face in his hands. She was still shaking and had rapid breathing. "Piper. Hey. Shhhh.... come on baby you gotta calm down. Focus on my voice. Okay? Deep breaths." She began attempting to tale deep breaths as Dean did. She closed her eyes and unclenched her jaw, resting her head on his shoulder. "Thats my girl.."
After that, Dean and Meg helped her up and she latched on to Deans arm for balance. Meg gently hugged her and looked at her.

"You're gonna be alright. Go home and get some rest." She slightly nodded. "Thanks for showin up when you did Dean." He barely smiled, turned, and walked towards the impala. He helped her into the back seat so she could stretch out. She plopped down and leaned back taking deep breaths.

"You okay?" Dean asked shutting his door. She sat up and nodded.

"Yea.. im fine now thank you." She pulled her phone out and sent a text to Nat. She realized something. "But Dean, don't you dare take me back to that bunker unless you want someone to die." He smirked.

"Cas made her leave." Piper raised her eyebrows. "He kept Amber."

"Well good. That baby doesn't deserve that woman as a mother." They pulled up to the front of the bunker and sat there for a moment.

"You okay to go in?" He asked looking at her in the review mirror. She nodded. "I'll come help" He got out and walked around to get the door for her. But, once he opened it, she grabbed his collar pulling him in the back seat with her. "What are you doing?" She shut the door and kissed him. Dean, although very confused at first, quickly kissed her back. She sat up and pushed him back against the seat, straddling him. She slowly began unbuttoning his shirt. He smiled, kissing her. Once she ripped his shirt off, she began unbuckling his belt. He grabbed her hand, stopping her. "Woah woah woah." She stared at him. "What if someone comes out here and sees us??" She bit her lip.

"The more suspense the better." She said kissing him again, sliding his belt off. Well if that was the case, it was deans turn. After he pulled her jacket off, he grabbed her and completely flipped over so that they were both laying on the back seat him hovering over her. Still kissing, Dean pulled away, again. She rolled her eyes. "UGH. What now?"

"Isn't this still your first time?" She hesitated a moment, staring at him. She nodded. "Are you sure youre ready? Are you sure you want to do this..." He looked around. "...Especially in the back seat of a car. In front of our house where my brother or your best friend could walk out at any minute and see us??" She kissed him again, sweetly this time. When she pulled away she glared at him.

"I haven't seen you in two years. Not only have I not seen you, In two years I haven't even looked at another guy in hopes that I'd find you again. I am beyond ready and if you stop one more time I will rip you're head off." She smirked. "Now shutup and fuck me Dean Winchester." He raised his eyebrows.

"You know. That- that's just great. Lets get this show on the road." He replied, crashing their lips together.

"Whats taking them so long??" Cas queried staring out the window at the Impala. "Maybe we should go check on them." Nat walked up to Cas and put an arm around his shoulder.

"I'm thinkin you should let them be. You don't wanna see whats goin on out there.. trust me." Her and Sam broke out into fits of laughter.

Surely from there on out you should know exactly what went on in the back of the Impala. That next morning, Piper woke up lying on top of a still sleeping Dean. They were both still naked but luckily here was a blanket over them. She shivered realizing how stupid it was to have sex outside when its nearly below zero. Dean woke uo shortly after.

"Shit its cold." He said sitting up. He smiled when he saw Piper curled up in a blanket with messy hair and smeared makeup. "Nice hair." She laughed.

"No thanks too you!" She stared out he window at the sun just coming up. She noticed 2 robes in the front seat. "They must've brought us these. That was nice." Dean took one and so did Piper.

"We'll, before we freeze anymore, i say we head inside." Piper nodded and got out of the car as did Dean. Once Dean opened the door for her Cas, Sam and Nat were standing there. They all three yelled SURPRISE whilst throwing some confetti in the air.

"Whats all this???" Pip asked. "Oh my..." She looked down noticing a cake that read "Congrats on losing your virginity." In big bubble letters. Dean doubled over from laughing so hard. "I hate you guys so much." She said laughing.

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