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A word Dean hoped he wouldn't hear. He hoped that all of this would have turned out to be a freak accident and that Pip would be okay. He wanted Piper to come out of this and then yell at him for the next week because he was being overly protective and because hed keep asking if she was okay everytime she took a breath. He shook his head and struggled to break free from Sam, who was holding him back from the ambulance. Sam was strong, very strong. But he wasn't strong enough to hold his older brother back for forever. He got loose.

"DEAN. NO." Sam yelled trying to grab him again as he bolted towards the still open ambulance. Everything seemed to be moving in slow motion to Dean.

"We need to get her inside." A doctor said worriedly. The medical team quickly hopped off the ambulance and ran inside the hospital. Dean hadn't realized that his arms were being held back so that he couldn't move.

"LET ME GO. SAMMY YOU BETTER LET ME GO NOW." He stopped squirming when he noticed Sam standing right in front of him.

"Dean. Its me. Chuck. You need to calm down." Dean nodded.

"Let me go we're waisting time we need to get in there." Chuck wouldn't budge. "LET. ME. GO." At the sound of Deans plead Chuck let go, sending Dean flying through the hospital doors. Chuck and Sam followed suit quickly catching up with Dean who was, at the time, bombarding the doctor with questions. The Doctor, obviously getting pissed off, wouldn't answer him. Which pissed Dean off even more. "What the Hell man??" Dean said to the doctor "You need to tell me whats wrong with her. I swear to God I'll-" after hearing that, a hand came up from behind him and pulled him away. He yanked his arm back but when Dean turned around he felt terrible. He stared into the bloodshot, teary eyes that belonged to none other than Lydia.

"Dammit Dean. Stop. You need to calm down." Her voice broke with every word. Dean looked at everyone. All of them filled to the brim with emotions, including Cas. Noticing this, he decided not to keep it in anymore. He collapsed into Lydias arms and fell apart. Lydia buried her face into his shoulder.

"I can't lose her, Lyd. I can't she's just to important. I don't even know what happened!" Dean said with tears rolling down his face.

"Calm down. You just need to stay calm." Lydia responded. Sam them turned to Chuck and whispered to him so no one else would hear.

"Anything?" Chuck frowned.

"No, Sam, this isn't like last time. I just... i don't feel her-"

"Her what?"

"I don't feel her energy like I did last time." Sam closed his eyes and shook his head. "I'm just.. I'm really sorry."
Dean and Lydia sat in the waiting room just talking.

"And the worst part is that last night, Lyd, she almost killed herself." Her shock filled eyes locked with Deans "It was horrible Lydia. Absolutely horrible. She was seconds from jumping. I caught her just in time." This time it was her that lost it. Dean held her while she cried.

"I knew something was wrong. I knew it. She wouldn't answer her phone." Dean looked up for a split second and saw a doctor talking to Sam. He felt bad but he got up and left Lyd.

"Is she gonna be okay???" He asked.

"Dean right?" The doctor asked. He nodded. "Well, Dean, Sam, Piper isn't exactly what you would call 'okay'."

"Well what do you mean?"

"She's in a coma."

I'm different.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon