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"A coma??? The hell are you talking about?? How is she in a coma? How does that even happen??" Dean bombarded the doctor with numerous questions. "How is she in a coma??" He asked again. The doctor looked through the papers on his clipboard. Sam, Dean, Cas, Lydia, and Chuck all stood there and waited for an answer.

"Well, when we were transporting her she showed signs of stroke-"

"What?" Dean said almost breathlessly.

"-Let me finish, please. But when we started really studying her, there was no significant brain damage. So wether she had a stroke or not, thats not the reason for the coma. Frankly, we're not sure what the cause is." The young doctor held his clipboard to his chest. "i am extremely sorry, I see how much all of you care about her. By the way, mind I ask, does she have any family you would like to contact?" The group just looked at each other sympathetically. Sam clenched his jaw then spoke up.

"We're uh... we're all shes got doc.."

"What do you mean? Where are her parents?" The doctor asked with a strange expression. This time Lydia broke the silence.

"They passed away 15 years ago in a.... freak hunting accident." The doctor seemed to be astonished. He scratched his chin.

"Thats.. thats terrible. Aunts? Uncles? Uh.. grandparents?"

"Her uncle died.. Her grandparents passed a few years ago." She said.

"And her aunts a raging psychopath.." Everyone looked at Cas who had barely said a word this whole time. "We don't socialize with her."

"Excuse us." Sam pulled Dean aside. "Dean, what about Crowley. He cares a lot about Piper. Don't you think he'd wanna know?"

"Think about what you're saying here, Sammy. I get what you mean. Hell, I'm all for callin Crowley and letting him know. But you remember what he said don't you? Hells pissed off at the fact that my girlfriend is alive. The less attention we draw, the better." Sam bushed his hair back with his fingers and shook his head.

"What are we supposed to do then??"

"Look. I'll contact Crowley. But, and not by any means, can we leave Piper alone."

"I know."

"Not even for a second, Sam."

"Yes, Dean, I know!"

"We can't, and we won't, lose her." Sam nodded and followed his brother back to where Cas, Lyd, Chuck and the doctor stood. "Thank you doctor.. uh??"


"Rogers. Right. Well thank you. We're going to go sit in her room if its okay?" Dr Rogers smiled, nodded and walked away. "Alright, lets go." The five of them made there way up to Pipers room. When they finally got there, they hesitantly walked in. Every possible outcome was going through Deans mind. She just looked... gone. None of it looked as peaceful as people had described it. He sat down in the seat beside her bed while everyone gathered around. Dean covered his mouth and took hold of Pipers hand. "Ain't no way in hell are you dyin on is Pip. If you can hear me. Just hold on." Sam put his hand on Deans shoulder. "I'm gonna go call Crowley. Stay here." He looked at everyone in the room. "There has to be at least 2 other people in here with her at all times." They all nodded as Dean stepped out of the room. He dialed Crowleys number.

"Ah Squirrel! Just the person I wanted to talk to. What is it you need?" The distinctively english-mans voice rang.

"Crowley." Dean whispered with his teeth gritted. "You listen to me. Theres been an accident. With Piper."

"Well is she okay, boy?" Dean shook his head.

"You need to be quieter. Makes sure no ones around you. The less attention we draw to this situation, the better."

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