Chapter 10

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"Would you like something to eat?" Natasha asked as she entered into her apartment and rifled through her fridge and freezer. "I pockets, ramen, and...that's it actually, hot pockets and ramen." Eden laughed and followed her, leaning on her marble countertop.

"What kinds of hot pockets do you have?"

Natasha's face scrunched as she looked through her freezer at the different types of hot pockets available. She had a large variety, though she tended to favor the pizza kinds. Philly cheesesteak was a close second though.

"Mostly pepperoni pizza, but there's cheesesteak, ham and cheese, breakfast, I think there's some taco left—"

"Pizza's fine. That is if you don't want to part with them." Eden sent her a playful smirk and Nat looked at her with wide eyes. "And before you ask, no I'm not a stalker. You mentioned it to me once."

"I never said you were a stalker...though you do act like it sometimes."

They laughed and Eden rolled her eyes, pushing off the counter and walking towards her, wrapping her arms around her waist and kissing her neck. "When do I act like a stalker?"

"Just the way you pay attention to me. It's like you hang onto my every word."

"I do hang onto your every word. I like to listen to you talk. I like to hear your voice. I like getting to know you. You're more interesting than you think, baby." She pressed a kiss to Natasha's cheek. "So listening makes me a stalker—"

"I didn't say that you were a stalker, you act like a stalker," Natasha emphasized, pulling away to place two hot pockets into the microwave. "I also never said it was a bad thing."

"You didn't have to. Usually when someone calls another person a stalker, the negative connotation is implied," Eden laughed, raising a brow and furrowing her brows. Natasha shook her head, pecked Eden's lips and took their hot pockets out of the microwave, placing them on two different plates. She handed one to Eden, along with a fork, and smiled. Eden mumbled a thank you and gently blew on her food, watching the steam billow.

"Well, I didn't mean it like that," Natasha said, biting into her hot meal, hissing and waving at her mouth when the hot cheese and sauce touched her tongue. The soft skin started to blister and she winced as what felt like a layer of taste buds burned off, leaving the underlying layer feeling raw. She giggled when Eden eyed her suspiciously, and mumbling with hot food still in her mouth said, "Careful, it's hot."

"I'll watch out for that."

"So," Natasha finally swallowed and exhaled through her mouth. "What type of movies do you like?" She opened the fridge and pulled out two bottles of water, handing one to Eden, and took a sip, cooling her mouth.

"I'm good with anything. Anything you have."


Eden stretched out on the couch, lying on her back between Natasha's legs with her head resting on her chest in between her breasts while her head was turned to the right to look at the TV. Natasha's hands were on her, holding her hand and running through her hair slowly, mindful of the small knots. While their eyes were trained onto the movie, neither of them were paying attention. Eden tuned her attention to Natasha's heartbeat, counting the number of beats per minute, then five minutes, then ten. She listened to her breathing, trying to see how many breathes she took per heartbeat.

Natasha's eyes moved between the TV and Eden's hair, watching the passing lights of cars on the streets below dance over the strands, alighting it in a dark burgundy fire. Her eyes shifted down to her face, watching the way her eyelashes fluttered when she blinked or how her lips parted a little when a somewhat steamy scene in the movie came on, or how she licked her lips every couple of minutes to wet them because she was too lazy to reach into her back and grab her chap stick. A smile spread across her face when Eden moved their conjoined hands to her mouth, kissing her hand.

"You make me happy," Eden finally muttered, cutting through their silence and the quipping dialogue of the movie. She tilted her head up, partially laying on her left boob, and looked at her as best she could, smiling and kissing her hand again. "Happier than I've ever been."

"I think you make me happy too. I haven't been happy in such a long would I know what it feels like?"


Natasha sat up on the couch, pulling Eden up with her, wrapped her arms around her waist tight, and pushed her long hair to the side. She caressed the skin of her neck and shoulder with her nose and nestled into the crook of her neck. She took a deep breath, inhaling her scent, and smiled when Eden's hands fell to hers, holding her there.

They sat like that for a few minutes before Eden turned in her arms to face her, her legs circling around her waist to straddle her. Her hands went to Natasha's back, pushing her closer, and Eden connected their lips. The kiss started off slow and sweet and gentle, but soon picked up speed and heat, turning rougher by the second. Eden's lips moved against Natasha's hungrily, her tongue licking against her bottom lip, asking for entrance. The redhead gave in, granting her what she wanted, and a deep guttural moan rumbled from her throat as Eden's tongue caressed her own. Her hands slipped down from Natasha's back to squeeze at her hips, then moved up to her breasts, caressing and groping them through the fabric of her shirt.

A sigh escaped Natasha's lips as Eden touched her, a small fire burning in her stomach and pooling between her legs. Deepening the kiss, Natasha's hands flew to the small of Eden's lap, climbing higher and higher until her felt the clasp of her bra. Mindlessly, her fingers fumbled with the clasp, working it open through her shirt, but before she could undo it, Eden's eyes snapped open and she pulled away from Natasha, breaking the kiss, and pushed her hands away from her back.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, now," she breathed. "I never put out on the first date."

Natasha laughed and pushed her hair back, resting her hand against her forehead, feeling heat flood her face. "Is it because I'm inexperienced?" She was joking, of course, but after she said the words, she realized part of her was incredibly serious.

Eden shook her head. "No. No, it has nothing to do with that. I wouldn't sleep with you tonight if you were the most experienced person in the world. Sleeping with you now is treating you like a one-night stand or just some good fuck for a good short time. And that's not what you are. Not to me. I want to treat you like how you should be treated, like how I hope to be treated: as a person worthy of love that has genuine interest." Natasha looked down with a small half smile and Eden kissed her again, causing her to smile fully. "We'll get to the sex eventually. If that's what you want. But I want to know you better and wait until you're comfortable."

"You're such a beautiful person, Eden," Natasha whispered as she nuzzled Eden's neck.

Eden smiled but pulled away and got up from the couch. "I should go. It's getting late and I have to work tomorrow."

The movie had been over for a few minutes and the credits were just finishing. She got her stuff and walked back to the couch, kissing Natasha once more.

"Despite the awkwardness, I enjoyed tonight. Thank you for the movie and the hot pocket." Natasha smiled and kissed her again, refusing to let her go. "Goodnight, baby. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?"


Eden walked towards the door, opening it and giving Natasha one last look before waving goodbye.

"Goodnight," Natashacalled as she closed the door behind her.

An Assassin's Creed | Natasha RomanoffOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara