Chapter 4

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About an hour and a half later, Clint reached over and gently shook Nat's arm, waking her up from her little uncomfortable nap. She looked over at him as she blinked the sleep from her eyes.

"Can you tell the team that we're ten minutes from base?" Clint asked. Natasha nodded and got up from her seat. Walking to the back of the Quinjet, Steve's head picked up when he saw her.

"Ten minutes," Natasha said and Steve nodded, getting up to rouse the rest of the team. Nat walked back to the cockpit and stood against the frame behind Clint's chair.

They landed at the Tower soon after, and Natasha quickly left and ran to the room that she called hers, the room that Tony and Steve insisted that she keep just in case she ever needed to stay the night, and changed out of her signature black jumpsuit and into something more suitable for sitting at a friend's apartment. As she was getting ready to leave the Tower and being her walk to Eden's apartment, Clint's voice stopped her.

"You heading to Eden's?" he asked.

"Yeah. I'm already late and need to get going..."

"Come with me, I'll give you a ride." Natasha smiled and followed Clint out and to his car, hopping into the passenger seat, and gave him her address. As they drove, Natasha was grateful for Clint giving her a ride because it didn't take long for them to get there and she just knew that she would've been extra late had she just walked. "There you are. You sure this is her?"

"Yeah, thanks Clint," Natasha said as she got out of the car.

"No problem, Nat. Hey when you're ready to leave, just give me a call and I'll come get you."

"Aren't you heading home?"

"Nah, I'm gonna spend the night at the Tower."

"Alright, will do." Nat took a step away from the car, but a thought quickly appeared in her head and she stopped and turned back around. "Tell Laura and the kids I said hi."

Clint chuckled and shifted the gear. "Will do. Remember, don't forget to call me when you're ready to go home."

"Thanks again, Clint," Natasha said as Clint drove away, honking his horn and waving as he left. Natasha climbed the steps and pressed the buzzer to Eden's apartment on the wall beside the door.

"Hello?" Eden's voice came through the speaker.

"Hey Eden, it's Nat. I'm outside."

"Alright, I'll buzz you in!" she exclaimed happily, and Natasha chuckled.

The door buzzed loudly and the lock clicked as it unlocked. Natasha opened the door and walked in, taking the elevator up to Eden's floor. She awkwardly stood outside her apartment, suddenly filled with a sense of nervousness that was foreign to her. Taking a long deep breath, she raised her hand and knocked twice before wiping her sweaty palms on her pants. Rapid footsteps slapped against the floor on the other side of the door and it swung open, revealing a very happy and excited Eden.

"You're here!" she exclaimed, leaping into Natasha who reflexively opened her arms to catch her. Eden giggled and soon released Natasha, flashing her a big smile. Natasha chuckled at her and shook her head.

"Yeah, I said I would be," Natasha replied. "I'm sorry for showing up now and I hope I'm not too late. There was a work emergency that I couldn't get out of..."

"It's no problem, I understand. You're not that late. Honest to God, my brother got here about an hour before you. Apparently he ran into the same kind of situation as you. Come on in."

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