|| Chapter 7 - Your problem. ||

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2 days later. . .

"Can anyone give an explanation to why there is global warming? " My geography teacher asks, "anyone? "

The whole class are either ignoring her, on their phones, chewing gum, staring into space and chewing their pen or aren't practically bothered. Well I don't blame them, her voice has this really annoying tone as if she has a golf ball stuck in her throat.

"Ashton, why don't you answer the question for once. "

Oh boy. This is going to turn out bad -really bad.

"Eckss -coosh ME? " I croaked, and the whole class was soon filled with laughter.

Well screw them, try living in my shoes; then lets see who's laughing now! Ugh, I hate it when people judge straight away.

"Ashton. Ashton! " The teacher screamed in my faced. Does she know anything about personal space? I could literally see her pores from where I'm sitting and it's getting quite uncomfortable.

"What?" I say in and annoyed tone.

"I have been repeating and repeating myself, and still you won't listen! What is your problem? " The bell rang, but she hasn't dismissed us yet.

"You want to know what my problem is? " I raised my voice, "everything; my life. "

Without a care in the world, I storm out of the class and disappeared into the crowd of students in the hallway.

I walk across the parking lot, towards my van. I'm not planning on spending anytime in this school of chiz. It's unbelievable that I haven't ditched school or dropped out yet.

Opening the drivers door, I chuck my bag in. I sit down, and turned the engine on. Everyone was heading out towards the sport fields for some school event that I clearly don't want to attend.

When the coast was finally clear, something, more like someone had to interrupt my escape, and no other than Mr. Calum Hood appeared in the car.

"Get out."

"No!" The boy next to me whined, "I want to join your wild adventure today!"

"Get out of my car and stop being so immature. "

"Gosh! Stop being a pussy and start the car already! " He moaned.

"I hate you so much. "

"I love you too, Ashton! " He says, putting his hands on his heart.

This boy is getting on my nerves so easily! Why can't he finally listen and stop being so stubborn?

After five seconds on the gas pedal, my back door flings wide open, and the other two, Luke and Michael, plopped themselves in my vehicle.

Well this is great! I wanted to leave school for a reason. But I'm not as lucky as some people; normal people.


I think I'm losing track of days😂 1) it feels like a Sunday even though it's a Wednesday and 2) I'm bored as heck. 😑

Qotd: what's your favourite ice cream?

Okay I have to be very truthful in this, but I love vanilla ice cream. Yeah I know it's boring but I like it😂 and also cookies and cream, like who doesn't like them? Especially if they're Oreo ice cream sandwiches😉


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