||Chapter 20 - Psychic||

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My alarm clock pierced through the silence, forcing me to wake up from my slumber. Cursing to myself, I get up from my aching sleeping position, as if I slept on the floor again and I looked straight at the sunlight peeping through my curtains - probably my worst decision yet. I rub my eyes to make sure I don't fall asleep again and turned my alarm off.

Finishing my usual morning routine, I made an effort of looking nice to going to the park again. I'm most likely making a big deal out of this meet up with Mikayla, but I just want her to like me, or just like me as a friend again.

Feeling the nervousness in the pit of my stomach, I just wish I don't mess this up again. This might be my only second chance, even though she says that she doesn't believe in seconds chances; let's hope she doesn't remember saying that.


I observe the scenery of my surroundings. I sense good vibes today. Good vibes. But I'm most likely wrong because I'm rubbish at being a psychic.

Sitting on what seems to be "our bench", as what Mikayla named it during our texts last night, I waited quietly for her. She specifically said 11:30, normally she would be here by now but she could just possibly be stuck in traffic or something.

I waited and waited. I check my phone for the time; it's already 11:59, almost thirty minutes of me waiting and she's still not here yet. Being my stubborn self, I was about to leave the bench when I heard her call out my name.

"I'm sorry I'm late." I turn around, looking at her, seeing the deep bags under her eyes.

"Don't stare at my face!" She anxiously tried hiding her face away from my sight. "I know I'm an ugly piece of sh¡t, I don't need to be told twice."

I was slightly taken back by her statement, but I can't just let her believe that she looks ugly.

"Hey, hey." I walked towards her, "what are you talking about?" I ask, taking her hands away from her face.

"Who's been telling you this?"

She sobbed, "um..Chad."

"What?" I raise my voice. I knew it all along, Chad was never good enough for her...and I know I'm not good enough for her either.

"What did he do?" I look at her, worried of all the scenarios that could had happen.

"Well he forced me into doing lots of things-I don't think I c-could ever retell you what happened. It's just-it's just hard to say. I'm sorry." Tears ran down her cheeks and I slowly wiped them away.

I didn't know how to comfort her, since I suck at that too, but I tried my hardest so I just engulfed her into a hug. A hug that felt like it completed me, almost.

But if I ever see that Chad guy again, I don't think I could hide my anger towards him; after everything he did to her, I can't just let him get away from what he did.

"Don't listen to whatever he says to you, okay? He's just lying and making you do those things because he's..." I pause, not knowing what to say to her and out of pressure I blurt out, "-because he's jealous of you."

"He's jealous of me now huh?" She slightly smiled at my direction and I smiled back, knowing that I brought her back the smile she once had.

"Yes of course." I play along, "because he doesn't get to own a pretty face like yours." I smirk, leaning in a bit closer, but once again got interrupted.

"Layla what are you doing here? I never meant to do anything wrong." A penetrating voice says, I already knew who the sound was coming from.

He had the nerve of coming back to her, that selfless hog.

"A sorry would've sound nice." I stand up from my seat, facing Chad. He was slightly taller than me, but he didn't scare me.

"Ashton don't." Mikayla quivered.

"No Mikayla, he deserves to be shouted at." I gave him a stern look. "Now Chad, it seems like we need to have a talk." I say, punching him in the face.

"You can't just use Mikayla as your dress-up barbie doll and be a dick without being taught a lesson from daddy Ash here ya know." I threw in another punch. "Your such a stupid excuse for a boyfriend!"

Blood was already seeping out from his nose and mouth, and if I was being honest, I was slightly disgusted of the sight of blood.

"Aww and it seems like my middle finger likes you." I laugh at my own remark, as I point my finger at him, "get the fûck away from her! Now!"

Chad scrambled away, almost tripping himself over a couple of times. I walked back to Mikayla, she just had a blank expression.

"Are you ok?"

"You don't have to do that. I mean it wasn't such a big deal. I could have just let him go, break up with him and pretend none of this never happened." She says with a low-spirited voice.

"I can't sit here and perfect the art of doing nothing, and not help you or anyone!"

"Ash you've helped me a lot. You do know that right? From the first and second time I met you." Mikayla looked up into my eyes,"you always seem to be there whenever I'm in trouble. That's what I lov-like about you."

"I just can't stop thinking about you. Would you like to go on a date with me? Again?" I hold onto by breath, not knowing what her respond would be.

There was a long period of silence between us, until she finally talked,



I can't stop laughing😂my mum actually believed me when I said that Michael and Luke turned gay on each other. I mean come on😂I'm MUKE af right now 😏

And I'm thinking of making Chad's character as Colton Haynes because that what Chad reminds me of. But if his character reminds you of someone else, tell me who.

Qotd: who is your favourite ship in 5SOS?

Mine is MUKEEEEEE!!!😍


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