|| Chapter 15 - A loud KABOOSH ||

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"My phone needs charging; my baby's life is dying!" Mikayla moans.

"You never told me that you have a child!" I gasp.

"My Phone you idiot!" She nudges me.

"Ouch that hurts." I rub my shoulder.

"Do have an iPhone charger that I could borrow?" She asks.

"Yeah, it's in one of those drawers." I say, pointing at the far side of my living room. Today was exhausting, I never knew the zoo could entertain me again. I also never knew that I could enjoy life again.

"How much percentage does your phone still have?" She questions, whilst plugging the charger into the outlet.


"WHAT?" She shouts, "how is that even possible? We were out the whole day!"

"Well, one, I didn't take as much pictures as you did. And two, I have no social media that I can um...socialise with." I say awkwardly, "Whilst on the other hand, you spent almost every second of the day on your phone, eating and having an awesome fantabulous time with meh!"

"Well don't blame it on me!" She pouts.

"You want some food?"

"Nope." She says, popping the 'p', "I ate too much candy from the stalls." She groans.

"Not my fault." I send a smirk at her direction, "what do you want to do then?"

"I don't know." She mumbles, distracted from her phone again.

"Let's play Mario Karts!" I squeal, rushing towards the wii controllers.

"I dibs on Princess Peach!" She snatches the controller out of my hands.

"Why would I want to be the princess?" I attempt to raise my eyebrow, which I think failed.

"Because everyone has a princess inside of them; they just don't show all the time." She cheekily winks at me, "oh and you're girly like that." She points out.

"No I'm not! I AM A MAN!" I say in a manly voice.

"Says the guy who sings about chocolate milk." She retold our meet up in the coffee shop.

"Blah, blah, BLEEEHH! I'm going to be LUIGI!"

"Alright." She raises her hands to defend herself, "don't get too touchy on the subject."

"Ok we're going to start in 3...2...1..."

"WAIT!" She screams out loud.

"What?" I say in frustration.

"Someone texted me." She breathed out heavily. Oh wow.

"Hurry up! I want to win this thing!"

"Okay, okay!" She laughs, "I'm ready." She says in a serious tone.


"WAHOOO! This is the fourth in a row that I won!" She jumps around the room, "LOSER! LOSER! LOSER!" She chants.

I let her win on purpose. It's a gentleman thing to do. Of course I would win Mario Carts! I'm a legend on it! It was a act of kindness coming from me. Well that's not what you see everyday. Oh shuttup mind.

Already, I see her on her phone already. Do I bore her? Her phone's still plugged in, and it's been on for the past hour. She's been non stop using it whilst it's charging. I should probably warn her.

"Mikayla, it's probably not-" A loud KABOOSH interrupted me, and I earn a nervous look from her.

"Ashton..." Her voice quivers, "I think...my uhh...phone just...uhh...umm...exploded?" She lightly laughs.

"Not my fault." I sheepishly smile at her.

"You should've told me this was going to happen!" She whines, letting small tears run down her cheeks. How can I comfort her? I've never done anything like this before. I've never gotten myself into any situations like this before!


Sorry😅this was a filler, I think. The phone exploding idea, I got that idea from a dream the I had a month ago, and it definitely creeped me out. MY PHONE IS TOO PRECIOUS THAT I EVEN NAMED IT! NORMAL RIGHT?

Qotd: do you have a sociable life?

I'm pretty sure I don't 😂 I don't even have many apps on my phone, just photo-editing apps for make edits of ma boys 😉, and probably 1 or 2 group chat apps. I'm so anti-social lmao😂


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