This Story Is For All Of You ♡

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It is often said that Diamonds are a girl's best friend.. I beg to differ, because from what I've learned a girl's favorite boyband is her best friend, they may not physically be there, or even know she exists, but they mean more to her than any diamond. It's that smile that spreads across her face when she hears their song on the radio, the laughs from the memories tied up in each note, the tears caused by those sentimental lyrics. It's those moments when she feels like no one understands but fights on because of her love for them. The fact that all it takes is one group of boys to change her mood around, turn a frown into a smile, tears into laughs, anger into happiness & brings the sunshine back into her life. It's the way the little things they do like tweeting about their road rage or that girl they saw on tv can bring a smile to her face. How they can give her the belief she needs to follow her dreams no matter how silly they may seem, how strangers can become heroes, how they can inspire her in the littlest of things she does. It's that proud feeling you get watching them grow from the small band with a few fans to this huge stars she sees today, how she can fit in with strangers because of one simple fact, you both love & support the same group of boys. It's when she has those concert tickets in her hand & is already mentally counting down the days, it's when she's at the concert & sees thousands of people & feels as she belongs, it's that warm fuzzy feeling she gets from seeing them on TV, that anticipation before an album or single charts, then the relief when they reach that top spot, all because of her buying her copy. It's that feeling when they thank their fans that they're personally thanking her, it's that moment when she finally get to meet them, those few seconds she gets to hug them, because in those few seconds she gets to hold her world. A lot of people may call her silly, say she's obsessed, or not understand why she feels this way, and you know what I feel sorry for those people, because it doesn't matter who her favorite band is, every girl should have one because everyone deserves to feel those feelings listed above, no matter what age she is, what race she is, where she lives, what she looks like, how smart she is, because when she has a favorite boyband, none of that matters, all it comes down to is her love for one group of boys! ♥

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