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"Goodmorning Sarah, Goodmorning sir. You can walk in." Doctor Hanks walked after us inside. An older guy shook our hands and gestured us to a seat. Me on the right side, Max left side. Between us a table with a black blanket. Let me adjust some things. We had things stuck to our body, we had to answer easy questions. I answered my favourite colour, my siblings their names, Max had questions like : what's your full name, how old are you, ...
I already knew what was about to happen, I wanted Nathan hete because I would expect answers that might be mean. Siva I might want Siva. He deserves all answers but I don't want him to get too upset. Okay just focus on being on honest I said to myself. "Thank you for doing this Sarah. You will see this a great way to have an enlightening, honest conversation. It will clear your head and make you feel better when all's been said. Max, Thank you for your support." Doctor Hanks nodded at the man, he removed the blanket. I felt like I've been stabbed in my chest. "Woah Sweet!" Max said. "The lie detector test will go as following, I will hand both of you an list wist questions. You slowly read them at loud, the other person answers the question. Any questions? No. Okay here you go. Sarah start please."

I accepted the list and asked the first question. I immediatley felt sick. "Have you ever thought of us getting married?" "Yes" "That's true." The older control guy said.

"Wait! HI I believe I should be here. Get out Max. You two don't have to fix anything. Doctor Hanks called me Sarah, this is going to be tough but I need to do this." I nodded. Max stormed off. I felt nervous but not scared since Siva took over.

Siva : Did you ever want to sleep with any of my friends? "Yes"

Sarah : Did you ever cheat on me? "No"
"He's lying." The man said.

Siva : How many people have you slept with since me? "None."

Sarah : Are you still in love with me? "Maybe" "That's not an answer" "Well .. Honestly no" "That's a big lie!" "Yes of course I still am! Yes!"

Siva : Are you in love with Max? "I don't see why I need to do this in therapy." "You have to clear your head. We want to know everything what's going through your mind. You'll never turn to me or him and just discus this. So go on do you love Max?" "No"

"I want to stop this crap." I tried to make my way out , Siva grabbed my wrist I slapped him the hardest I could do. "What's that for?!" "YOU FUCKING CHEAT ON ME! WHY YOU DIDN'T TELL ME?? DON'T SAY YOU WERE WAITING FOR THE PERFECT TIMING 'CUZ I GAVE YOU THAT WHEN I TOLD YOU!" I slapped his other cheeck and pushed him away. "Before I go. Tell me her name. TELL ME!" "Nareesha McCaffrey" "What? Your ex? But I thought you hated her? When?" I lowered my voice. "The day I visited you in the clinic." I started crying very loud but I didn't move. It took me a few more minutes to calm down and walk out I ignored Max and walked straight up to the car. I started to run when I heard him screaming my name. I opened my car door and waited for Max. "You wanna fill me in?" He said. "He cheated on me didn't have the balls to tell me, he still loves me, he's an pathatic loser and ..." "It's okay relax. Take a deep breath and finish your sentence babe." "And I confessed that I don't love you." I refused to look at him even when he laid his hands on my cheeks. "Look at me" "I don't need to look at you, I can take it like this too go ahead be mean back." "Fine I will be mean. But in my way." He pressed his lips agains my lips, he kissed me tender. He pulled back and stroke my hair. "I know that. I also know you like me. I want to go from there. Only if you want to try this. The Wanted is off, the two of you also. Come On I know you want to. Just make it easy and take my hand." He reached out. I had no clue what I was expected to do but I declined and pushed his hand away. Instead I jumped on him with my arms around his neck I gave kisses everywhere on his face. I love the face he pulls when he laughs. "Is that a?" "YES YES YES."

Once in the car I saw that he was still smiling. "Max, can I ask you something?" "Anything." "If you knew that my love for you was just temptation. Why did you carry around that box and asked me to marry you?" He sighed and looked me right in the eye. "I just know that you will love me. This ring shows you that I will wait for your love to be right on top. My love for you is never ending and yours for me will be that too. I know it. This ring promises that I will be here no matter what. I'm serious about you about us." "The Wanted?" "When Siva and Nareesha are happy than we will continue probably. Nathan wants to go solo anyway." "Max" "Sorry" "Max?" "Yeah?" "Is there any chance that you might have that sparkling ring with you?" "You mean this?" he took the black box out his front pockets. He opened the box. "What? It's empty?" Max started to laugh and opened my purse he started to make a mess in there. I was too confused to say anything. "Here it is!" "Did I ..?" "Carry this the entire time? Yes you did!" I saw the most beautiful sparkling diamond ring held by his precious fingers. "So ... Why you wanted to know?" he teased. "Well I ehm I just .." He didn't let me finish my sentence. He interrupted with the most beautiful words ever. "Sarah, will you marry me?" "Yes Yes I do!!" Tears were falling to my lips I was smiling this couldn't be real this was so unreal. "It fits perfectly"  "Yes?" "Yes" He kissed me , very passionate this time I only wanted more of him when he stopped. Actually, I want more of him every single minute. "I do love you you know." "I love you too."

A Heart Doesn't Break Even.  |Max George & Siva Kaneswaran|Where stories live. Discover now