Weird Dreams At Night

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Flashes of a small room with white dark walls. A guy tied up on the floor. Table on the side with something on it. A strong wooden door. Dirt on the walls. The guy is struggling to get up. The face is blur. Flashes keep on coming.

I woke up with a gasp, breathing heavily and my heart beating fast. I have been having this dream for days
now. During the day I don't think about it not even when I go to sleep. But it comes back in my mind every single night. Have you ever considered that your mind is sabotaging your path to happiness? I have.

I stood at the kitchen sink drinking some water when my phone rang. I walked up the stairs smiling at my phone. "Come back to bed." I followed his order. "You didn't need to call me I was in the kitchen." I said very down to earth. I burried my face in his chest, I really wanted to hide my face. Yes 'cuz I am a mess. If people could read my mind they wouldn't want to continue reading it for sure. I took a deep breath praying to fall a sleep without weird dreams.

Flashes of a white room, with stains on the wall. A guy is sitting on the floor, tied up. Brown wooden table. A phone is laying on it. The guy is shaking and mumbles. The face gets clearer. He looks young. I hear a dog barking. Something else lays on the floor, something sparkling.

I kept on having the same dream. It got hard to ignore in the daytime. It's impossible to ignore the messages my brain sends me. Whenever I'm alone I try to write down what I remember. I need to find out why these are coming back stronger and more clear every time. What if they are visions? No no of course not I shake my head.

Today Kels and I are going on a girls day out before the boys concert in Birmingham. Our nails are going bright red. "How are things with little Tom?" "He's doing great." "How are you doing?" "Couldn't feel better." "And big Tom?" "The bigger I get how more freaked out he is." The last one came with a smile. "He made me breakfast this morning and got me a rose. I want this baby because look at Tom he has no clue what to do but he tries everything. To be honest if I could decide when I wanted to become pregnant I don't know maybe in 10 years? But I am no longer in schock, sorry for my overreacting." "You shouldn't be sorry, it's normal for having an Oh-no-my-life-like-I-know-it-is-over attack. I go crazy all the time, good it was you for a change." I laughed. "How are you and Siva then?" She asked. "We are fine" This sounds like something's up."I really love him." I added.

Nathanless concerts, days are passing by. Jay never has been more silent.

*Ding Dong* Max opened the door letting the police inside. "We found the car." The tallest guy said. "We are going to use our dog, maybe we will find Nathan that way. The car was parked in front of a nightclub outside the city, parked there on the evening Nathan Sykes dissapeared."

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