Gone Member

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"I thought we maybe could go to the park with Jay and Nathan, they were already going, it sounds like fun, you up for that?" "Let's go!" Siva, Jay and baby Nath and I decided to go to the park. Why not?!

"I really want to go down that big slide over there" I said, not noticing that Jay and Nathan were already running around, chasing each other. "Seev, are you coming with me? I don't want to do it by myself ... please?" Siva gave a kiss on my forehead, let go of my hand and we ran down to the slide, and took it in turns going down it. "Jay, can we go down it together for a laugh?" Nathan asked with his puppy eyes. I took my phone out and started filming the whole thing for a few minutes, they would make a brilliant couple I thought, just before I burst into laughing. "Seriously, get together guys!" Siva screamed, obviously reading my mind.

We were lying on the grass enjoying the sunshine, with my head on his chest. Everytime we did this we seemed forgetting time. I felt the urge to ask about Max but tried not to do that. "Where are Tom and Kelsey at?" "They stayed at the house, they wanted to cook for us all." "Who is all?" "Well us, Jay Nathan and Big Kev. Why?" "Just wondering. And Max do you know when he is coming home?" "Late, past midnight it could be tomorrow morning also." "Erm guys" Jay interrupted. "You two are cute but come back to life please. We lost Nathan." "WHAT?" "He isn't playing anywhere". We got up, each one of us went down different roads. "BABY NATH REPORT YOURSELF OR THE ALIENS WILL ARREST YOU!" I heard Jay screaming. Oh god please let me know why he is such a weird creature. We met up at the entrance of the dog park. Little Nath is no where seen. "Let's restart!" I commanded. "Can I use your phone to call Nathan sis?" "Sure but stay here, I want to hear you call." "No answer" Jay sighed. "Maybe he is at the children lost place?" Siva said and suggested we should go over there. We were sitting on a bench in front of the children lost place. Silence. Jay buried his face in his hands, Siva couldn't decide whether he would sit down or stand up. "Maybe we should call Kev? He might know what to do." I said carefully. Siva looked at me with scary eyes. "He will be furious. We made him stay home, we wanted to come here by ourselves. Remember?" "What if he does know what to do?" I answered him. "What if Nathan went home, because he couldn't find us and couldn't reach us on the phone?" Jay said with hope in his voice. "Come on! Let's run to the car maybe he is there waiting for us! If not we drive home!" "Jay, think. Nathan is the only one who can drive." He looked at me and thank god I know my brother so well so I could take a few huge steps back just in time. ! "Jay goddamned!" I yelled. "Not the right time to throw up!" I said feeling sorry for him. "You alright now?" His skin changed in a second like how vampires look. "I'm feeling sick. Sorry guys." "That's alright mate." Siva replied, he gave Jay his arm trying to not let him collapse as we are walking to the car. "We forgot about another option!" Jay said while pointing at the place where our car was parked. "He might have driven home." We rang for a taxi. As we came near the house we realized that something was disastrously wrong.

I'm sure that the three of us noticed that here is no car.

I got out of the car with shaking knees, I didn't manage to step to the front door by myself. I was holding Siva his hand very tight while he was leading me to the door. My plan is to hold his hand and to not let it go. "I do the talking." Jay said as we got into the kitchen. We were silent until Tom asked "Where's Nathan?" Jay said everything he could remember. This place never felt this cold before. Doors were being slammed, Tom screamed at Nathan's voice mail several times, Big Kev called another taxi he decided to go back to the park, Tom went with him. Kelsey and I were both sitting on the sofa, curled up. "I go check his bedroom." Siva said. After 10 minutes he was back downstairs with Nathan his laptop. "Password needed." "What are you planning to do Seev?" Kelsey wanted to know. "To unlock it, and see if we can see something I guess." "Have you looked on his twitter page yet? I wanted to do it but Jay has got my phone." "If you will ever get that one back!" Kelsey teased. Time didn't fly by but the clock was ticking so fast. How could this happen, why did he go away? All of the sudden I interrupted their thoughts. "They went back to the park yeah? That's not necessary. The car wasn't there anymore, he went to the car and drove to some place we don't know where but he definitely drove somewhere. That's what we know." The way Siva and Kelsey were looking at me made me feel smart although I don't know where baby Nathan is. Kelsey phoned Tom telling him what I said. "They are coming back, they need more money to pay for the taxi and more warm clothes to wear. Sarah do you want to help me to cover the table? Then we can eat the spaghetti when they get back." Kelsey insisted that we should eat , although we weren't really hungry. And off they were, Siva and Jay went with them this time, saying they will do the dishes when they are back so we could relax.

1 AM now. I'm in my bedroom going through my tweets and answering some of them when I hear someone coming home. The footsteps are on the stairs now, they're coming closer and *knock knock*. "Yes?!" The door went open and "MAX! HIYA!" I jumped up and hugged him for a minute or two. I felt safe with his arms around me. "Where's everybody?" I let go of him and asked him to sit down. I told him about what happened. "They are driving around town to look for the car?" "Yes, for 5 hours now I think. Quit stupid because the car probably will be parked inside, if not no way they will see it in the darkness." "Have you said that to them?" "No, Jay has my phone. I heard Kelsey calling Tom an hour ago, she would've told me if there is any news." "Yeah she would." Max robbed over his head and said "Damn you little Nath you can scare us. I can't do anything that's the worst. It sounds nothing like Nathan. Do you mind if I take a look at twitter?" "No go ahead." Max took my computer went on Nathan his profile, his eyes were getting bigger. "Holy shit!" "What why? Max what?" I had to punch him before he finally answered back. "What time did you got home from the park?" "Erm I think it was around 4pm. Not sure." "Well Nathan has tweeted twice today, the first tweet was at midday something about a big slide and the second no way Sarah look! He tweeted 5 minutes ago!" We both looked at each other with our mouth open. "I go get Kelsey!" "What did he tweet Max? Tom texted they are here in a few minutes." Like Kelsey said within a few minutes they arrived, we were with 7, sitting on the floor since these animals broke my bed, gazing at my laptop.

@NathanTheWanted : I'll be back soon! X

A Heart Doesn't Break Even.  |Max George & Siva Kaneswaran|Where stories live. Discover now