Chapter 15

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Michael's POV
I'm with Jeremy play AOTD in my basement. My moms are on a business trip this weekend so our friends decided to have a sleepover at my house. They should be here soon. I keep sneaking glances at Jeremy. He told me he broke it off with Christine and they were fine which is weird because he's liked her a long time. I think he has another crush but he wouldn't tell me. I kinda hope it's me. The whole squad knows he's bi so at least I have a chance now. I look back at the screen and we lost because I was staring at Jeremy. I stand up angrily but then trip over my bean bag chair and fall on top of Jeremy. His face and mine are as red as tomatoes. I try to get up and say sorry but then I feel his lips against mine.

Jeremy's POV
I know Michael is staring at me. I know we're about to lose but I let him because I keep thinking..what if he feels the same way. We finally die. Michael hates losing. (A/N I'm actually listening to Two-Player Game while writing this) He stands up frustrated but then trips over his beanbag chair and falls on top of me. His face is super red and I can tell mine is too. I don't even think. I just put my lips to his. I'm scared he's going to slap me or something but a second later I feel him kiss back. It was a blissful few seconds then the door burst open. Our friends are standing there smiling and laughing. Michael and I jump apart.

"Don't you have the decency to knock?!" Michael shouts. Not rudely but embarrassed.

"We did! But it lookth like you didn't hear uth theeing as you were about to fuck Jeremy!" Rich said laughing.

"I was not about to fuck Jeremy!!" Michael yelled. I just put my head in my hands.

"Uh huh ok. Believe what you want to believe. Now thince you aren't making out on the bean bag chair...I want chipth." I roll my eyes.

I stand up, "I'll go get snacks!" I mumbled and pulled Christine with me.

"What was that?" She asked barley containing her excitement.

"He tripped over his chair when he stood up and he fell on me. I took the chance and kissed him. He kissed back!! I don't know what we are sooo don't say anything." I told her.

"Omg! You guys will be the cutest couple!" She screeched.


"Sorry." I roll my eyes. I grab the snacks which contain Oreos, hot chips and sour air heads. We walk back downstairs to everyone hitting everyone with pillows. Yep! They are definitely juniors almost seniors.

Michael's POV
After we finished our pillow fight, we took our snacks upstairs and settled in the living room to watch a movie. I didn't see what movie they put in because I was too busy watching Jeremy who was a lot closer than he usually is. I turned back to the movie and saw it was Insidious, one of the best scary movies in the world! The scary ghost lady popped up upside down in a super scary pose. I love scary movies and watch them all the time so I don't get scared easily. But Jeremy...he hates them. So he almost jumped a foot in the air and scooted closer to me. He was snuggled into my side. I'm pretty sure I could hear my heart beat. I think everyone could hear to because they looked at us. Jenna winked and I flipped her off. Jeremy saw and hit my arm. I chuckled and pulled him closer to me. This day was pretty great!

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