Chapter 1

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Jake's POV
I haven't been to see Rich since the squipcident at the play. I used to visit him before that but he was usually asleep. I know I'm supposed to hate him or something for burning down my house but I don't. So today me and all my wheelchair glory are going to visit him. He's getting out tomorrow I think but I still want to see him. They kept him longer than anyone else because he had that stupid evil tic tac for a while and also his burns were pretty bad last time I saw him. Seeing as I can't drive at the moment, Michael is driving me. He wants to be away from Jeremy and Christine who are now dating, even though he won't admit it. The whole school knows he's gay but what they didn't know is who he liked and now being his friend I can tell he had a HUGE crush on Jeremy. After school Michael helped me into his PT cruiser and put my wheel chair in the back. Thank god it was foldable so it can fit in his tiny car. We drove in a comfortable silence until I spoke up, "Why don't you just tell Jeremy how you feel?"

Michael sighs, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Yeah ya do! Everyone in the squad knows you like him. Except him of course. Probably Christine even knows."

He sighs again, "It's not that easy Jake! I've known him 12 years and had a crush on him for 10! We are friends especially now he's dating Christine. Even if he wasn't, he is straight so it doesn't matter! Ok?"

Damn that must be hard, " Ok I'll drop it." After about 15 minutes we make it to the hospital and park. He helps me with my chair and goes to get back in his car, "You're not coming with?" I question.

"Nah, you should go spend time with him alone" he winks. I roll my eyes and wheel myself in. He thinks me and Rich have a 'thing'. He says his gaydar goes off when me and Rich are together. I mean he is cute but like no homo so it's fine. I wheel myself into his room and he is just looking out the window. Now that is cute! No homo of course. I knock on the open door and he turns to me.

"Jake! What are you doing here? I didn't think you would want to thee me..." He says fast. He has a lisp? That's new. Another thing I didn't get to see because of the SQUIP.

"Why would you think that? You're my best friend!" I tell him wheeling over to the side of his bed.

"I burned down your houthe..." he says quietly.

"I don't blame you." I say and he looks up.

"Y-you don't?" I nod and he starts crying. I pull myself onto his hospital bed and hug him as tightly as I can. He grabs my shirt like his life depends on it. "I'm tho tho thorry! I burned down your house! I gave Jeremy the THQUIP! It'th all my fault! I'm a terrible perthon! I don't deserve to be your friend!" He says crying silently, still hugging me. Hearing this breaks my heart. I pull part a tiny bit and whip he's tears off his cheek with my thumb, "It's not your fault, Richie. And you do deserve to be my friend because I don't know what I would do without you." I say sincerely and he just hugs me, still crying a bit. I run my fingers through his hair lulling him to sleep because lord knows he needs it.

A/N Hey guys! How'd you like it? Sorry it was only in Jakes pov but I will do some in other people's pov but mostly Jake. I don't really have a posting schedule so sorry but keep reading. And look at my other books. 😁

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