Chapter 13

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Jake's POV
We skipped science. It was good. We just talked. It's now lunch and everyone except Jenna is at our table. Jenna comes up to the table and puts her phone on the table. She presses play and the video of Rich in science plays.

"It's all over the school." She says pausing it.

"Who posted it?!" I ask angrily. She just bites her lip. I know who posted it. I stand up and walk over to Thomas Jefferson's table. My friends follow because they don't want me to kill someone. "What the fuck is your problem Jefferson?!" I yell and he laughs.

"What's your problem? I don't know what you're talking about."

"You posted the fucking video of Rich!"

"Ohhh that! I did not post it I just shared it!" He says smiling. At that point I have no control. My friends are about to know what's about to happen. I punch him in his nose.

"You're lucky I waited this long for me to kick your ass!" I grab his shirt and push him to the floor. Then he punches me. And the next thing I know we are beating each other's asses on the floor. After a couple minutes of me kicking his ass Michael and Jeremy pulls me off him and his friends help him up. I look up to see Rich close to tears. I go to touch him or talk to him but he pulls away and runs out the cafeteria. I groan and go sit back down at my table. My friends minus Rich come to see if I'm ok.

"You ok?" Michale asks.

"My hand hurts, my face is bruised and Rich won't talk to me. So you tell me!" I snap. He raises an eyebrow. "Sorry."

"It's fine and Brooke went to go check on him." Michael said patting my back.

"It's kinda your fault though. You did get into a fight." Chloe said. I had to agree but he just angered me so much when he did that to Rich.

Brooke's POV
After the fight when Jake tried to go to Rich, he turned and ran out. I saw he was a mixture of scared, hurt, worry and anger. I turned to Chloe, "I'm gonna check on Rich." I say and she nods. I ran after him and went into the boys bathroom. I don't care. I need to see if Rich is ok. I walk in to see Rich sitting on the floor. "You ok?"

He shrugs, "I gueth."

"Why'd you run?"

"He could've gotten hurt! He didn't think. He could've gotten in trouble. I don't even know why he did it! He was being reckleth to go after Jefferthon!" He says angrily. I let him rant.

"You done?" I ask and he nods. "It was a little reckless but he did it because he cares about you. A lot. And he wanted to protect you even if you didn't need it."

"Like Chloe with you?" He asks smirking.

I blush, "What?"

"Omg you like her! You guyth would be the cuteth couple! I think the liketh you too." He says smiling.

"I hope so. But that reminds me... if Jake and Chloe are the same does that means Jake likes you?"

He blushes, "God I with that was true."

"I think it is! You should tell him how you feel."

"If you tell Chloe. The likth you. I can tell. The likth you for who you are. I mith when you were confident and didn't need to wear a wig. Be her again and take a chanthe with Chloe."

"Ok. Let's make a deal. If I tell Chloe, you tell Jake!" I says holding out her pinkie.

"Deal!" Rich said taking my pinkie with his. Let's see how this goes...

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