Chapter 5

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Jake's POV
We stayed hugging for a bit then I felt his breathing slow. I looked down and see he fell asleep. So cute. My legs were numb from him sitting on my lap. They also kinda hurt from not using my crutches but not too much because they are healing good. I picked him up and walked over to the couch. I tried to put him down but he pulled me down with him and said, "Stay." I couldn't resist so I laid down next to him and pulled him close to my chest.

Rich's POV
I woke up and rubbed my eyes. I turned my head and saw Brooke eating cereal on the recliner and on her phone. She looks up, "Might want to get off Jake before everyone else comes down and thinks something happened that didn't."

I nod and sit up, "Thankth and nith wig."

"No prob! And it's a new one. I wanted one with shorter hair. Chloe bought it for me!"

"I thought you didn't like wearing wigth because they itch?" I asked.

"I don't really but my hair is growing back and it's at a weird stage" She said with a shrug.

"Don't worry Brooke you're thill beautiful." I told her.

"Thanks Rich!"

"No problem. Why are you up and no one elth is?"

"It's only 8am" Brooke responds and I nod. "If you don't mind me you and Jake have like a thing going on?"

"What? No of corthe not!" I say a little loudly and Jake stirs in his sleep. I put a hand in his hair and push it out of his eyes then let it rest on his back. Brooke raises an eyebrow.

"Ok let me rephrase that..You may not be dating but do you have a thing for him?"

I blush and nod, "Yeah yeah I do. But you can't tell him or anyone ok?"

She smiles big and nods, "I promise!"

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