Chapter 7

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Jake's POV
I woke up to the sounds of my friends talking. I sat up. "Look who's finally up!" I hear Chloe exclaim. I roll my eyes.

"Am I the last one up?" I ask rubbing my eyes.

"No but Michael could sleep all day if you let him. I should probably go wake him up." Jeremy tells me standing up and walked upstairs.

I saw Chloe and Brooke do this weird look thing then say at the exact same time, "We should go to Pinkberry!"

"Okaaay that was creepy but we totally should!" Jenna exclaimed.

"What's with all the screaming! So early." Michael muttered walking down the stairs.

Rich looked at his phone, "Michael it'th 11:32am. Not early at all." Michael just shrugged and flopped on the couch. We laughed.

"Are we going to get frozen yogurt or not?" Brooke asked. Everyone murmured signs of agreement. "Michael?" She asked seeing as he didn't say anything and was still face down. Jeremy nudged him and he shot up. Must of fallen asleep.

"Hmm?" He asks.


"Yeah ok." He mumbles and falls back on the couch.

"Do not go back to sleep Michael!" Jeremy screeched and pushed Michael. He fell off the couch.

"Jere!!! I'm so tired! It's too much work to go somewhere." Michael complained then a cup of water fell on Michael. He screeched and shot up. Everyone burst out laughing. I looked up to see Rich laughing with a empty cup in his hand. That laugh is adorable.

"Now you have to get up Michael!" Exclaimed Rich, still smiling.

"I guess I have to!" He said stomping upstairs to get dressed.

"I'm making pancakes now that everyone is up so come into the kitchen to help and eat!" Christine yelled excitedly. Everyone stood up, except me and Rich, and followed them into the kitchen.

"You don't want food?" I asked. He shrugged and sat next to me.

"Thankth...for lath night." He says laughing a bit, more out of embarrassment then wanting to. "I think I've let you thee me cry more timth then I cried in my life."

"It's fine Rich. But you ok?" I ask.

"Yeth I'm fine."

"You know I forgive you right? And don't blame you?" I ask playing my hand on his and rubbing soothing circles on his hand with my thumb. He nods smiling, intertwining our fingers. Totally not gay....damn who an I kidding that is super gay but who cares at this point because...I am in love with this boy.

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