Chapter 10

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Rich's POV
I ran to the bathroom. I opened the handicap stall and slid down the wall. Coming to school was a bad idea. I don't think I'll go to classes today. Maybe tomorrow. I stand up, walk out of the bathroom, then out the front door.

Jake's POV
I had 4 classes already and it was lunch. I haven't seen Rich since that morning and he should've been in class with me. We have 2nd and 3rd together so he should've been there. I sit at our usual table. I'm the first one there. But only a couple seconds later Brooke and Jenna sit down. "Have  you guys seen Rich?" I ask them.

"Not since this morning why?" Brooke answered

"He wasn't in class." I said taking a bite of pizza.

"Mmm that's why it was so quiet in social studies." Jenna says not looking up from her phone.

"Text him. See where he went." Brooke suggested. I nod and pull out my phone.

TallAss1: Where'd you go?

ArsonBiBro: Home. I wasn't feeling good. But I promise I'll be at school tomorrow.

TallAss1: You sure you ok?

ArsonBiBro: I'm fine Jakey

TallAss1: Ok Richie. Feel better.

I look up to see all my friends staring at me, "Yes?"

"Where is he?" Christine asked.

I sigh, "He went home. Said he wasn't feeling well."

"Well that's a load of bull! Jefferson is luck I don't go over there and kick him in his nuts with my high heel!" Brooke said angrily which surprised all of us. She's never that aggressive. I would've suspected Chloe to say something like that but not Brooke. I wish she would go over there and kick him. How dare he make my Rich feel bad!

"I'm going to see Rich after school if you guys wanna come," I tell them and they agree. I can't wait til I get my casts off which is soon so I can kick Jefferson's ass!

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