Chapter 14

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Jake's POV
I told Rich I was sorry and he accepted my apology. He said he was worried I would get hurt. I felt bad I made him worried but it was kinda sweet he was worried about me. I wish I could tell him how I feel but sadly he doesn't feel the same way. I was sleeping. It was like past 11 when I woke from a noise. I look up to see Rich in his bed. He was crying softly in his sleep. I get up and walk to his bed. I shake him lightly and he sits up in a heap of tears. "Shh shh it's ok," I say rubbing his back. "Do you want me to sleep with you?" He nods and scoots over. I climb in and pull the covers up. He snuggles into my side. I pull him close to my chest and hold him tight. He's already falling asleep. "I love you," I say quietly. I don't think he heard me which is a relief.

Rich's POV
"I love you," I hear Jake say. My heart is basically hammering out of my chest. He feels the same way? That makes my deal with Brooke easier. I smile, nuzzle into him and fall asleep.

A/N I'm sorry for grammar mistakes!🙃 I suck at typing and sorry this is so short it was more of a filler chapter

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