Chapter 18

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(A/N: I started another fast and furious story if you guys want to go check that out.)

Waking up to the sound of an engine starting and moving caused me to sit up and rub my eyes tiredly. I saw the Mclaren leave the garage and I grumbled in a pout. I wanted a kiss before he left at least but he couldn't even do that.

Groaning, I get myself out of bed and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Looking at my reflection in the mirror I nearly screamed from how crazy I looked. My hair was all over the place and I had bags under my eyes. I didn't understand why because I didn't even stay up late and I didn't leave bed so what the fuck?

After I finish brushing my hair and brushing my teeth I leave the bathroom and walk to the kitchen. Turning on music, NF Let Me Go started playing and I got straight to making myself breakfast.

Talk to you with my hands tied
Walk towards you on a fine line
Everybody has a dark side
I feel embarrassed when they see mine

The lyrics blasted through the speakers built into the ceiling of the kitchen and all over the house. Pulling out some eggs I pour some oil onto the heated frying pan.

Rain falling from my dark skies
Clouds parting, but it's all lies
Shouldn't I see the sunshine now?
Wonder how I look in God's eyes
Am I a good person or a lost one?
Will this feel worth it when I'm all done?
Will I feel ashamed of like who I was?
With the pain vanish or will more come?
Will I stay numb or regain love?
Maybe someday have a taste of freedom?
Will I take the poison out of my blood?
Or just leave it there inside of my lungs?

I honestly questioned if everything I did before was worth it. I meant by leaving Jonah and my mother. They were always in my thoughts and I have always tried to push them out but was always unsuccessful. They mean the world to me but my anxiety made it hard for me to go see them. What would they see if they saw me at their front step? Would they accept me or leave me on the side like trash? It was always a thought that was present in my head which made it hard to talk to them or see them. Would they even recognize me or just think of me like some stranger? It sucked to think about it but it was good questions. After leaving with Luke, I never thought about the possible consequences of my actions.

I knew my mother would accept me but what would Jonah do? He was scary when angry and I didn't like being on the receiving end of his anger. He had mentally abused me at a young age because I made mistakes at home. He made me scared of him for the rest of my life and I don't think he even realized.

After finishing making scrambled eggs I sat and ate while more music played through the speakers. Well, that was until I heard our doorbell ring. I knew kids came by offering us cookies and such so I didn't check before answering. When opening the door I was blessed with the presence of Agent Locke.

"Holy shit! Locke!" I yelled hugging the man. "Hey Niki," He said hugging me back. "How have you been? Pardon me, come inside take a seat." I said opening the door wider for him so he could come inside. He looked around examining his surroundings and took a seat at the counter.

"Beautiful house, but I won't be here long." He said and I could sense the seriousness. "Okay, but you know how I am with doing jobs nowadays. I need a good amount of info to make me settle upon a decision." I said and he smiled pushing a folder towards me. I looked down at the folder then back up at him.

I opened it to see a capsule with orange liquid inside it. "That is the CT17 Virus or codenamed: Snowflake. Now, this virus has the capability of liquifying your internal organs worldwide." He informed me and I cocked an eyebrow in confusion. "What does this have to do with me then?" I asked and he smiled. "I haven't finished." He said and I chuckled and motioned with my hand for him to continue. "This is the only unit of CT17 in existence and an MI6 operative stole it." He said making me frown and flip a page to see a picture of Hattie.

I sighed pulling the picture out and staring at my sister in law. "Goddamn it Hat, what did you get yourself into?" I muttered to myself. "Oh well, she killed her entire team and must I tell you she stabbed someone with a brick." He said making me frown. "How the hell did she do that?" I asked and he threw his hands up. "That's what I was thinking! They only way she could would be if-if the person had no bones." He said making me laugh. "Other then my sister in law being a badass, who will I be working with?" I question and he smiles. "Your husband and brother and I know you're going to get mad but I knew you will be able to keep them on task." He said and I nodded. "Okay fine. Only because you're a friend." I said and he smiled standing up from his spot and hugging me.

"It was good seeing you, Niki. I hope we can talk again soon." Locke said and I smiled and nodded. He walked off and I shut the door walking back to the counter where all the papers with the info were last placed. I walked over grasping the photo of Hattie and sighed.

"What did you do, Hattie?"

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