Chapter 17

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My alarm clock went off making me groan and roll over and lay across Deckard's stomach. He groaned reaching over and shutting the alarm clock off. I rested my face in his stomach feeling my face elevate slowly then lower slowly.

"5 more minutes baby. Please?" I pleaded but he shook his head. "No, Nicole you know I go to the bar around this time." He said making me get up and straddle him. "At 6 AM? Are you a crazy person? I'll take you to a nuthouse." I warned him, making a funny face which made him smile. "Come on, I know you want to stay here with me. Please baby?" I begged, doing my puppy dog eyes but he still said no so I used the only thing I knew would work.

I started fake crying covering my face making him groan and instantly regret his decision. "Niki-" He said but I cut him off. "No! I just wanted one morning where I can have you for myself! But you just don't want to be with me!" I yelled fake sobbing. "Okay, fine I'll stay with you for 10 minutes." He said caving in making me smirk and remove my hands from my face.

He looked at my face in the realization of me not crying and no tears presented.

"You have been hanging with my mom too much," He said pulling me down to making me laugh and kiss him.

Ever since the incident with my father, we moved back to London where Deckard bought us a cool new house. But when Deckard would leave for the bar I would leave and visit his mom. She was at the prison in London and she said she enjoyed my company since Deckard didn't go much. We haven't heard from Owen for a while but I found out Deckard had a sister named Hattie. I tracked her down and turns out she works for MI6 which was a special task force. We met and she was cool but weirded out by me easily finding out where she lived. I explained to her that I learned from Deckard and that we are married. But enough about that and more about my life recently.

Now the house was perfect for me. It wasn't big but it wasn't small which was good for me. There was glass separating us from the kitchen and I could see through to the kitchen. Then there was glass separating the kitchen from the garage where Deckard's Mclaren was and my Ducati was. Our bedroom held a view that we could see all of London and it looked beautiful at night.

I pulled away from the kiss looking down at his face and smirking. I slowly lowered my head and kissed his chest then got lower and kissed his abs. I heard a slight groan from him making me smirk. "Nicole, I swear if you try anything. I'll make sure you can't walk for a week." He warned me making me giggle and smile flirtatiously. "Oh? Please do daddy." I said going under the blanket and pulling boxers down.

I heard him groan which made me smile and do my business.

10 minutes later

"Now if I woke up like that every morning then I would stay with you the whole day." He said making a smirk present itself.

I walked into the kitchen and to the tablet that was installed into the wall. I pressed heat then slid up on the little scale turning up the heat than going to music. I swiped through until I found BENEE Glitter.

I pressed play and walked to the fridge grabbing the orange juice. I closed the fridge and placed the juice onto the counter and let my thoughts take over.

I honestly missed Dom and the others a lot. Roman and Tej visited 2 times since Deckard and I moved into the new house. They got along with Deckard and he considered the 2 friends of his. I told them when summer comes around that they could stay here for a couple of weeks.

It was great having them over and they just made me laugh. It was good seeing them because I felt lonely in London and Deckard didn't want me traveling too much. So that trip to Dublin was put off which pissed me off but I didn't bring it up. I loved Deckard but my god he was controlling and I knew he was doing it for my safety. But the man won't even let me go out for drinks anymore because I beat a guy who touched my ass.

Squeezing the orange juice carton nearly making it burst and I only realized I was when Deckard sat across from me on a stool.

"Niki, you okay?" Deckard's voice taking me out of my thoughts. I blinked a couple of times until I nodded and took a sip of the orange juice then placed it back onto the table. I stormed towards the bedroom and got dressed into some black skinny jeans with a long sleeve shirt. I slipped on my leather jacket walking out of the house to the garage getting on my motorbike.

I glanced at Deckard to see him staring at me and I smiled then slipped my helmet on. I revved the motorbike and drove out of the garage.

I gained a love for riding motorcycles when I got back from L.A. It was something that always interested me but I never gave it a try. Since I was settling down I might as well do the things I always wanted to do. So I bought a Ducati Panigale V4 and got it in a navy blue same as Deckard's Mclaren. Riding motorcycles gave me more of an edge so I preferred it over cars.

Positive things happened also, I called my mom. After leaving home for most of my life, I called her. I had never heard her so happy to hear my voice but I felt pain in her voice when she spoke. I knew she was sad not being able to see each other and have a normal mom and daughter connection. But I was willing to build it over time and I said I would visit soon but I didn't know when.

I arrived at the familiar entry of the prison doors and parked my bike. I went inside and the guards knew me from my visits and who I wanted to see so they let me walk in without any problems.

I took a seat at an open window dividing it from other people's. I ran my hand through my hair and sighed slumping in my chair. Hearing a lock signifying the door for the prisoner's was opening revealing Mag. I smiled and sat up in my chair eagerly and grabbed the phone we could talk through to each other.

She took her seat smiled seeing me and grabbed the phone.

"Hey mum," It was always great seeing her. She always brought me into a good mood by insulting her kids but in a jokingly way. "Hey, love. How are you doing?" She asked and I just shrugged. "Just going day by day," I said simply with a bored expression. "What is Deckard doing now?" She could read me like a book and tell when I was sad. "He...He just doesn't want me going out anymore after I beat the shite out of a dude. I don't know, maybe I'm overreacting but I want to be able to leave the house and go drink or something. He only allows me to come here and I come because I love seeing you but I just want to go out and have fun. Without him being on my arse about." Ranting to Mag had come naturally because she was so open and would be able to give me advice. "Love, just go when he's not there. You can take him in a fight so it doesn't matter." She said making me chuckle. "I think I'll do that mum,"

The rest of my visit was just talking about family stuff and what she was going to do when she got out. I have humbly offered to break her out many times but she declined. Once I left I walked outside and only noticed it was 7 PM. How long was I in there talking? How can Mag and I be able to hold a conversation that long and not get tired?

I got onto my bike and started riding home plus I had earbuds in my ears so I could enjoy music. Drake Used Too was playing and I always listened to this at races when I was younger. I revved the bike and went faster popping a wheelie and swerving in between traffic nearly hitting cars.

Yeah, when you get to where I'm at
You gotta remind 'em where the fuck you at
Every time they talkin' it's behind your back
Gotta learn to line 'em up and then attack

Suddenly a motorcycle sped past me catching my attention. I caught up to the person and we looked at each other. He nodded to me and then sped up more and I did the same, continuing to follow him. He took a bunch of turns and I soon lost him and I was amazed by his bike. He took those turns easily and not to mention how fast the bike was going, wish I could have one.

I rode home and let my mind run free with thoughts.

Once home, I walked into the kitchen and Deckard was in our room looking out our window on the view of the city. I walked into the room getting his attention causing him to smile. "How was seeing mum?" He asked walking over and engulfing me in a hug. "It was good but I'm tired and need sleep," I said and he chuckled. He let me get changed into my sports bra and booty shorts. I got into bed and faced the window looking at the view of the city. Deck got in behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his body. I sighed in the comfort of being close to his warm body. He kissed my neck and I instantly closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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