Chapter 15

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"Nicole! She's over here guys!" I heard a voice. My eyes flickered open but squinting from the sun shining down.

"Nicole, are you okay? Oh shit. Guys, shes lost a lot of blood. We need to get her help!" I heard another person yell. My eyes finally adjusted to see Letty kneeling beside me. "Hey, what did I miss?" I said groggily. I sat up but winced in pain that shot throughout my entire body from my shoulder.

"Woah, take it easy their, sport. Yo Dom, she's riding with you." Letty said making me look around and lock eyes with Dom. The pent up rage within me started boiling making my anger appear.

"You," I growled getting up, stumbling a bit. "You killed my husband. Don't ever think I'll forgive you for what you did." I growled limping to him. "Nicole, if you understood then you wouldn't be mad." He said softly making me scoff. "Let's just get the fuck out of here. I'm freezing." I said walking to Dom's car and getting inside.

I wast patched up once we got on the plane and I felt amazing. I felt like I could go beat the shit out of Dom but I didn't. Letty and everyone else were happy to have him back so I backed off.

When we landed in New York, we all decided to meet at a rooftop for a barbeque. See I only went because Roman and Tej begging me. I caved in from the two nagging me like children and got dressed in some black skinny jeans with a red crop top. I wore the leather jacket Deckard bought me for my birthday. 

I was leaning on the railing taking a sip of my Corona enjoying the view of the city. I let out a shaky breath and looked up in the sky.

"Just couldn't take me could you?" I said to myself and shaking my head and taking a sip of my beer.

"Auntie Nicole!" I heard behind me making my head whip around to see Sam. "Sam!" I said putting my beer down and running to her and picking her up with a big smile on my face. "My girl, you're getting big. I missed you so much." I said and she giggled. "I missed you too," She said and I put her down. "Now, be honest. Any boys?" I ask with an eyebrow raise and she laughed. "Nope." She said making me smile. "Good," I said rubbing her head then looking up to Luke.

"Hey," I said softly hugging him. He hugged back and rubbed my back. "You okay?" He asked and I only shrugged. "Could be better," I said truthfully as we pulled away from the hug. He sparred me a sympathetic smile. He gave me a hug again making me sigh in comfort of having my brother close. I pulled away and sighed and looked at the two.

"Okay, well Dom and Letty are over there. Drinks are all over there if you want some. Ya, that's pretty much it." I said pointing to each area and they nodded and smiled and walked off.

I grabbed my beer and sighed turning back towards the city. I felt a presence beside me to see Little nobody.

"So Dublin, huh?" He asked and I nodded. "Ya, Deckard and I always discussed going but never had time. I need to do it. For his sake." I said taking the last sip of my beer. I examined the bottle sighing "I need another," I said softly. "You know we have your back right? Like whenever you can get in contact with us." He said and I nodded but kept a straight face. "Ditto," I said before turning and looking at him. I patted him on the back and smiled lightly "You're not so bad after everything. You learned to fight with the big dogs." I said and he smiled and we hugged. "Just don't lose that. It makes you ten times more bearable to deal with." I giggled out and he chuckled.

After, I walked over grabbing another beer. I cracked it open to turn around and stumble back in fear or surprise, I didn't know which. Feeling all the color escape my face making me feel queasy.

You know the feeling when your stomach drops but it's not when you feel sick? It's like fear or anxiety? That's what I was feeling and I couldn't seem to move, frozen in place.

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