Chapter 12

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I was inside mine and Deckards room having a shower and playing music. I danced to the rhythm of the song and sang the lyrics. (Russ Nighttime Interlude)

"And when the nighttime comes
We don't bite our tongues
We gon' let that shit fly tonight
Singing songs that we love
Soon enough we make up
We gon' let that shit die tonight"

I washed my face and heard the bathroom door open making me pull the curtain back to see who entered. It was Deckard and he started getting undressed making me smile. "What do you think you're doing? Did I say you could come in?" I said with a fake attitude and I saw a grin on his face.

He entered the shower and I faced him. I moved over and let the water hit him. We both had the steaming hot water hit our bodies as we were transfixed on each other's eyes. In a complete trance and peace.

Do you understand my love?
Please don't look at me and shrug
I've been trying more than ever
If this doesn't last forever
Least we spent the time we did
Helped each other through our shit
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah
Do you understand my love?
Please don't look at me and shrug
I've been trying more than ever
If this doesn't last forever
Least we spent the time we did
Helped each other through our shit
Yeah-yeah, yeah-yeah

He grabbed my waist and kissed my neck softly making me moan quietly and smile in pleasure. He pulled away from my neck so I wrapped my arms around his neck connecting our lips. We pulled away and rested our foreheads against each other and swayed to the music.

I loved everything in this moment. I finally felt safe after half a year of not seeing Deckard and it felt amazing. I missed this feeling and I wanted to savor it as long as possible.

Once we finished having our shower. I slipped on a sweater and nothing under with some grey sweatpants.

I was sitting on the bed playing with my nails while Deckard was getting dressed. A knock was heard at the door and I turned to Deckard who was now fully dressed. I turned back towards the door and opened it revealing a solider with both his arms behind his back.

"Mr. and Mrs. Shaw, follow me." He said and started walking. 

We both followed him around corners and came to a set of doors. He opened them revealing a room full of computers. In the center of the room showed a table and chairs with everyone from Dom's crew sitting. Glass surrounded them which blocked their voices from outside people.

We walked up to the front door with Deckard leading. The door buzzed open and we entered the room and everyone's eyes were on us.

"You're going to need the Shaw's help," Mr. Nobody said and I looked at everyone's expressions. I looked at the new girl and instantly felt a piece of my heartbreak. "Guy's replace me?" I said pointing to the girl. They all held guilty expression and I looked at Letty and she held a sympathetic look making me scoff. I noticed another dude who I was guessing was working with Mr. Nobody.

"Ah, my day just got a whole hell lot better. Mr. Nobody, wanna tell me why you put me in a room with this tea-and-crumpets criminal sumbitch?" Luke said towards Deckard making me huff in annoyance and walk to where Roman sat and got a seat beside him.

I looked at him and he was genuinely happy to see me. I smiled at him and he flashed me his famous one that I remembered.

I blocked out what Luke and Deck were going at each other for and completely zoned out.

I was taken out of my thoughts when I saw the new guy put his hand on his gun looking towards Deck and Luke. 

"You shoot either one of them, I'll beat you with every being inside me," I growled and his eyes landed on me. He took an audible gulp then moved his hand away from his gun. "Now you know what I have had to deal with," Roman grumbled making me giggle at the comment.

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