History Repeats Itself

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Hey there everyone. I know it's been a while. I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and New Year. I know I did after seeing the Top Wing Christmas episode. XD

Anyway, here's another little snippet for you guys. Hope you like it. Also, it would be nice to see some stories from others.


"There they go again." Bea stated as she and Speedy watched the screen in the control room.

"Yup." Speedy replied.

"When are we gonna confront them about this?" Bea asked.

"Confront who about what?" A voice said behind them, startling them.

They turned around to see C-Jay, Swift grandfather and Speedy's mentor, approaching them. Bea quickly switched off the screen.

Speedy chuckled nervously as he responded to the older jay.

"W-we were just doing some late-night surveillance." Speedy nervously replied.

Bea giggled seeing how Speedy still got nervous when around and speaking to his old mentor.

C-Jay gave a short chuckle. "Found anything interesting?" He asked.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." Bea replied.

"Really? Then I guess you don't mind answering my first question." C-Jay asked.

"Um... it's not anything for you to worry about, really." Bea tried to assure him.

"Hmm. Then you won't mind that I have a look." C-Jay pressed as he walked up and stood between them in front of the screen.

Speedy and Bea looked to each other worriedly before turning on the screen. Once it was on, laughter was the first thing to be heard. Speedy and Bea looked at the screen knowingly and worriedly, while C-Jay looked at it wide-eyed in surprise. What he saw, was his grandson sitting on the riverbank just outside of HQ while a pink-clad penguin swam around in the water, occasionally splashing him, causing both to laugh. The penguin then got out of the water and joined the young bluejay on the bank. She sat next to him before snuggling up to him. He chuckled as he wrapped a wing around her to pull her close before kissing her forehead and nuzzling her at which she giggled and nuzzled him to return the affection. They looked completely content with each other.

"Hmm..." C-Jay hummed in thought, wings folded as he watched the screen. "So... my grandson is breaking curfew to have a little rendezvous with his penguin teammate."

"C-Jay, s-sir..." Speedy softly spoke.

"How long has this been going on?" C-Jay asked looking to the two birds at his next to him.

"Well... we only found out about three months ago. So, we're not sure how long it's been going on before that." Bea replied.

C-Jay hummed in acknowledgment, before looking back at the screen to see the two young birds still embracing each other.

"Well... from what I'm seeing, if I had to guess, I'd say it's been going on for about a year or so." C-Jay concluded.

"A year?!" Speedy exclaimed.

"How are you so sure?" Bea asked, also in shock.

C-Jay chuckled. "Because that's about how long it took you two to get like that."

Speedy and Bea blushed.

"Wait... you knew about us back then?" Speedy asked.

C-Jay chuckled. "Sure did. You two would sneak out every night just to be alone with each other. Granted you did break two rules; being in a relationship with a teammate and going out after curfew without permission. But I didn't confront you about it because it didn't affect your performance during training and rescues." He told them with a smile.

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