You Realise You Won't Be Able To Be In This Child's Life?

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Severus Snape looked down at his eleven year old daughter, about to go to hogwarts. She hugged him tight, as he shut his eyes, he didnt want his baby girl to leave him, he was lost in the moment when he heard his godson yelling,

"Come on Mione, we're going to miss the train!" 

Hermione smiled and said bye to her dad as she jumped onto the train and went to sit in a compartment with her friends. She looked around the carridge they were sitting in, it was a tad cramped but she knew they'd be fine.

Draco Malfoy was sat on her left, he was he best friend and they'd done everything together throughout the years. On her right was Theodore Nott and oppisite him was Blaise Zabini, she'd met the two when they were 9 and although they weren't as close as her and Draco, they were pretty close.

Sitting next to Blaise was Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, she had only met them a couple months ago, she felt wary of them, though Draco assured her they were trustworthy.

As Severus watched the Hogwarts express pull away, he sighed, he knew that Harry 'Potter' would be on that train and although Hermione knew who he was and what had happened, she was not aware they were twins, 

His daughter had glossy black hair down to her waist and green eyes, like her mother.

He smiled as he remembered the first time they had met.

He had been in his kitchen pottering about when there was a knock at the door, he opened it to see the flaming red hair of Lily Potterstanding there, holdinng a baby in her arms, she had tear stains on her face. 

He looked at her coldly, after their night together, she had left withoout a word and a week later sent an owl saying it had been a mistake. 

"Can I come in?" She whispered. He stepped aside to let her in. 

Eventually, after a lot of tears, she told him what had happened. After their night together, she had fallen pregnant and  the doctors had told her she would have one child, a boy. She took a test and found that Snape was the father. She gave birth and James left the room with Harry to tell the marauders about the child, the midwife then came along with a worried expression and before long she was holding another child in her arms. She didn't know what to do, so she apparated to his.

Severus looked at the baby girl in her arms. "I'm guessing you want me to take the child?" She nodded bleakly. Severus held the baby and began to walk off.

"Lily, you realise you won't be able to be in this child's life?"

She nodded and walked away.

"Severus, shouldn't you get on the train?" A voice jumped him out of his daydream.

"No, Lucius I'll apparate when I get home." He turned and walked through the barrier and thought of his daughter.

"Anything from the trolley dears?" 

"Chocolate frog and a couple of  Bertie Bots, Hermione, do you want anything?" Draco asked idlely.

"I'll  have a fizzing whizzbee" They all proceeded to order and Draco chucked her a chocolate frog aswell as a fizzing whizzbee.

"Dick," She muttered and chucked it at his forehead.

"Sorry, I know you don't eat chocolate really. Anyway, do you know what I'm really wondering?"

"What?" Goyle said

"Draco." Hermione murmured. "Don't, I know exactly what you're doing."

"I want to know what Potter's up to." Draco smirked. "I'm  going to see what he's up to, anyone coming with?"

Crabbe and Goyle stood up and followed him out.

Hermione looked at Theodore, "I  worry about him, he's not as confident as he makes out to be, and Potter's going to be the making of him"

They continued to chat until Draco came back in looking annoyed and Hermione couldn't help but notice Goyle's finger was bleeding.

"What did you do?" Hermione demanded 

"Nothing!" Draco said. Hermione motioned for him to sit down and he did so. She whispered in his ear.

"Don't lie to me. I'm sure Goyle would love to know about when you  ran down to your parents dinner party in just your pants because you smelt food. Now I won't press the matter but next time, tell me."

Draco gulped and slid down his seat.

Soon they decided to get changed into their robes, Hermione left to go into a different compartment.

She quickly changed and kocked on the door before going in, the boys were all sitting lazily in their robes.

As the train drew to a stop, they jumped off the train and saw a giant yelling "Firs years this way!"

Blaise, Theo, Draco and Hermione sat in a boat and watched they travelled to the shore. As they docked, Hermione jumped out the boat looking green.

" Ugh, I hate boats" She said and proceeded to throw up in a bush. Draco held hair back as she stood up and they walked into the great hall where Minervra Mgonagall was waiting for them


Hi everyones, this is my first Dramione book on this account, I normally forget to finish them but I'm planning on finsihing this one! I would really appriciate it if you commented


Kitty xxx                                                                                                                                                                                           894 words

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