Chapter 14: Tarble.

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Author's note: I am aware that the only thing cannon about Tarble is that Vegeta definitely has a younger brother. That's it. Not even the name is cannon.
But so is Turles and I still wrote him, so why comment on it?
Well, I have plans for Tarble and those plans go against what happened in the 'Yo Son Goku and his Friends' special episode. That episode isn't cannon, so I'm well within my 'strickly only write what is cannon-logical' rule. I understand that something cannon could be revealed about Tarble and that could potentially break my personal rule. If that happens, I will try to work around it, but it would be difficult and heart-rending. But I guess the same could be said about Turles so/

Turles: What about me?

Feline_Luv: Gahh! Tur-Turles!? What are you doing in my 'before chapter author's note'!?!

Turles: Well, after the little stunt you did in the other chapter, I'm going to be checking in regularly.

Feline_Luv: But Turles, this is the time I comment on fourth wall stuff! I can't have your commenting here!!

Turles: Oh well. You should of thought of that before you excluded me from that other chapter.

Feline_Luv: N-nooo.

Turles: Yes! Now for a disclaimer!

Feline_Luv: I don't do those anymore.

Turles: Huh? But why? I see other fanfiction writers do it!

Feline_Luv: It's pretty obivious I don't own anything. I doubt anyone would actually think this random Fanfiction would own anything, except maybe fanart and the obvious, this fanfiction.

Turles: Well that's no fun, I wanted to say a disclaimer.

Feline_Luv: Maybe if I'm more known, currently I don't have enough importances to state disclaimers at every chapter. Speaking of, I should start this one already!

Chapter 14: Tarble.

The prince of all Sayians Vegeta opens the door. Imediently the younger prince of Sayians runs up to him tail up in the air.

"Big brother!" Tarble smiles. "You're here! You haven't been visiting me lately."

The older child folds his arms as he uncurls his tail. "I've been busy and I barely get enough time alone to go see you."

Tarble looks down. "That's OK, I understand."

"Hmpt, have you been practicing what Dad and I have been teaching you?"

The younger child turns away. "I-I've been trying but..."

"But what?"

"It... comes out different."

Vegeta furrows his brow. "What do you mean different?"

"Well it..." He takes a deep breathe. "It's not the right colour and I don't think it does damage."

Vegeta groans. "Tarble." He draws out. "It's not that difficult, I got it on my first try."

Tarble dawns a dejected look. "I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about?"

The two princes turn.

"Dad!" The two both exclaim before they ran to right in-front of him.

The king smiles and pats them both on the head. "Seems like you both missed me." He remarks.

"You were gone for awhile. Of course I missed you!" Tarble responds.
Vegeta scowls. "Well it's not like I missed you!"

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