Chapter 7 : The New Bodyguard!

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Author's note: Not sure if anyone noticed yet but lately I have been posting chapters with much less than half a year apart. 😺
So this chapter will be introducing a character that will be playing a big roll in this. Hope you enjoy the chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own ANY DragonBall series or manga!

Chapter 7: The New Bodyguard!

(Raditz Pov)  

Beep, beep, beep!

Went the alarm, but I already woke up awhile ago so I just stopped my push-ups and turned the alarm off.
The alarm was already in and set for all the bodyguards before we started and there is no way to change it. Trust me I've tried and from the complaining I've heard from other bodyguards, they have probably tried as well.
I coil my tail around my waist and make my way to the briefing room.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (At the briefing room)

When I enter I walk to the wall at the back of the room. I have to wait a few minutes, until roll call starts. We get 5 minutes after the set alarm time then roll call starts and if you're late you get a strike.
If you get three strikes you have to go the Solitude-Box for three days, if you get five strikes you get beat up by the general then put in the Solitude-Box for five days. I haven't really recived any strikes yet, so I've never been in the Solitude-Box, but from what I've overheard some of the other guards it's so boring in there it drives you insane.
Eventually others start to flood the room chatting about something and soon enough it's time for roll call. The general then walks to the front of the room with his clipboard and starts to call out names, then the saiyan with that name raises their hand for the general to know they're here.
After a few names the general calls out my name and I raise my hand, then the rest of the names are called out.
After that, the general yells out over the mermering of the other guards.

"Now that roll call is done I will move on to the messages. I think it's safe to assume that most of you have noticed that one of you fellow guards are missing!"
With that stated most of the guards go quiet. Probably so they can hear why or that they don't want to get in trouble with the general.
Then the general continues, "The reason why, is that after the two months of you all being here one of your fellow guards decided that, the job of being a bodyguard for the prince was just too much for him to handle, so he decided to leave this job for good!" Then the mermering started again. "SILENTS!" Yelled the general in an angry tone quickly uncoiling his tail and thrashing it into the wall, which left a large hole, then recoiled his tail.

This made everyone stop.

Then the general continued by saying, "Because of this there was a new bodyguard who is coming in today/" Then even more mermering broke out.


The general blasted an energy ball at roof making everyone go quiet again. "Because of the lack of people who would take the job, a low-class saiyan child was appointed and he starts working today! I'm sure you can all welcome him in your own time! Now we're all done here, so get outta here!"

I quickly leave to the food courts so I can be served food before the line gets too long.
(At the food courts)

Once I get there I'm third in line, so it doesn't take very long for me to be served. Once I am served I go and sit at the same table I always sit at and start to eat. A new guard, wonder if he'll be less annoying than everyone else.
"Hey, mind if I sit here?" Asked someone.
I stopped eating and looked up to to see who it was.
This guy looked to be around my age, he has dark olive skin tone and hair that shot out in every direction identical to how my fathers hair is.
I furrow my eyebrows for a second, then shrug.
He sits with a smile.
"I'm the the new bodyguard, name's Turles."
I nod to him. He doesn't seem annoying so far.
"So what's your name?" Asked Turles
Should I tell him? He's the first to actually ask me without being rude.
"Raditz." I answer.
"Well Raditz, nice to meet you!" Said Turles still smiling, then he starts eating, then I continue eating.

Once I'm finished eating, I get up and put away my tray, then check my time table. I have training with the prince.
Then I make my way the the prince's personal training quarters.

Author's note:
I know it's short, but I have a case of writers block so I have to stop it here. 😅
So I have added Turles to the story and I going to be honest here, I originally wasn't going to put him in. But now he's here and he will be playing a big part in this story.

Vegeta: Really? Because you said something like that to me and I'm barely in any chapters!

Feline_Luv: That's not true, you're in almost ALL of my author's note.

Vegeta: You know that's not what I mean!! 😡

Feline_Luv: Maybe.. ;P

Vegeta: Grrrr!!😡 How I would love to hit you.

Feline_Luv: You wouldn't.

Vegeta: Why wouldn't I?

Feline_Luv: Because you like me too much. 😽

Vegeta: Who said I like you at all?

Bardock: Well considering you always talk to her every chance you get, it's not hard to think that.

Vegeta: WHAT!!

Bardock: You having trouble hearing me?

Vegeta: I WILL END YOU!!

Feline_Luv: NO! Bad Vegeta! No killing Bardock! 😾


Feline_Luv: *whispers to Bardock* He seem angry we should leave he alone to cool off.

Bardock: Good call. *Leaves the room*

Feline_Luv: *Also leaves*

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