Part 15

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*Todoroki pov*

"What do you mean that I stole your slave?!'

He really had to audacity to hurt Midoriya enough to make him run away, that gets upset that he came to find me.

"I know this is your fault prince boy!"

"I'm sorry sir, but your not allowed to be here right not."

"Yes, coming over to the castle without earlier plans is a big risk of-"

"Look, I'll leave right after you give me my slave back! You have no right to steal him then be mad at me about it!"

"I didn't steal anyone, if anything Midoriya was running away from you. It's your own fault for mistreating him."

"Why you!-"


Endeavor suddenly cared about everything all of a sudden. He probably only cared because we were disturbing him. Of course he would be that selfish.

"My king, your son has stolen one of my slaves. I've come to get him back."

"No, he abused him into a state where he fell unconscious. If I didn't find him soon enough he would of probably died due to all his injuries."

"Ugh, where is the boy anyway."

"He's in one of the spare guest rooms, I can show you where king."

"Fine Uraraka, let's just go and get this over with.

We head over to the room Izuku was still in. He still hasn't woken up yet.

"See! I'm sorry that I took your "slave" but I was only doing what was right."

"How do you know it's my fault! That's just a assumption, you have no proof!"

"Can you two please shut up! Look, just wait until he wakes up. Then-"

Suddenly Midoriya sits up abit like he heard what Endeavor was saying.

"Ow, where am I-"

When he looks up and sees "him" he suddenly covers his mouth with his hands. Almost scared to say a word.

"Look, can I speak with him privately. He clearly scared to have you in the room."

"You know what, fine! Like I really care!" 

"You have one minute Shoto."

Everyone then leaves the room. I then walk over the Midoriya.

"Izuku, can you please tell me what happened."

He still has his hands clamped over his mouth. All he does is shake his head as tears fall down his face. That was enough for me, I made a decision. 

"I'll be back."

I leave the room, I now knew how to help him.

"Well, what did he tell you."

"Nothing, he was to petrified to speak."

He looks away.

"And now what are you going to do. You have no proof, you have to return him."

"He's not your slave anymore."

"Oh, why not."

"Because I'm buying him from you."

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