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Hi guys!

I don't own anything! When in doubt, I don't own it. All credits to the MCU and Norse mythology. The exception are the characters I've created.

Something to keep in mind: this fiction is set before the events of the original Thor movie. It is also disconnected from anything I've ever written before. It is not like anything I have ever published for you guys before, but the idea's been rattling around in my brain for some time now. Here's a longer version of the excerpt that I had in the description. I hope you enjoy ;)

"How do you do that?" Loki questioned curiously, not meeting her eyes

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"How do you do that?" Loki questioned curiously, not meeting her eyes. Instead, he bent down to examine the white flowers with her. A light, balmy breeze blew over the two of them, causing him to flick a black lock out of his face in mild irritation.

Maeve's delicate fingers stroked a petal with care. "It's my gift. You have yours, I have mine. We are all blessed somehow, are we not?"

Loki couldn't formulate a response to that. Maeve smiled a bit and tucked a blonde curl behind her ear.

"You don't talk a lot, do you?" At first, Loki thought she was throwing an insult, but the sparkle in her blue eyes indicated otherwise.

"Not to those I'm not used to, no," he said, visibly relaxing.

"I suppose we'll have to get used to each other, then. I'm stuck with you for all eternity, after all." She was teasing, but her eyes suddenly went faraway. Due to his reading, Loki understood that the Vanir sometimes were given visions, but he could tell that this wasn't the case. She missed her home, her life, what she thought it would be. Her new life would be spent chained to him and to Asgard. But she quickly shook her head, snapping out of the reverie. "Most don't understand flowers. They're very shy plants."


"Yes." Maeve nodded. "These are gardenias. Just like you and me, they want to be loved. That's the way of all creatures, no matter their size or appearance. It's just hard for them to express that, as plants. But if we give them the love they require, they bloom." At her touch, the flowers perked up significantly, brightness flooding the petals. "See?"

"That's incredible."

"Did you know," she said, sitting on the ground and turning to the prince, "that Midgard has an entire language dedicated to flowers? Each of them mean something else. It's a very sweet way they can express emotions to each other."

Loki laughed quietly. "Midgard can truly be backwards at times, but they are amusing." He nodded to the flower she had just essentially brought back to life. "What does the gardenia symbolize in this language?"

"Young love," she answered after a moment of hesitation. "Secret love."

Loki felt something flutter in his chest.

Gardenias (L. Laufeyson)Where stories live. Discover now