One night-stand with the boy at the party

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Your break up with your ex was hard and you missed him but you had to get over your self and get out there. Your phone rings and you check it. It was your best friend Alice.

Y/n: Hey Alice what's going on

Alice: okay Girl get ready because we are about to par-taaa!

Y/n: Girl I don't feel like it I mean I just moved to LA and I have to un-pack and I just ended it with—-

Alice: honey stop worrying about being an adult. You need to come hang out with and chill for awhile. There will be a lot of cute boys at this party and drinks!

Y/n: will they have white claws?

Alice: you have to go to find out!

Y/n: FINE! I'll go but only because of you.

You didn't have to see her to know she was smiling. You hung up the phone and you started to get ready. You search through your whole closet twice until you found the dress that you wanted in a box. You slipped it on and you finished getting ready. You did your make up and you got all fancy. You where told to head out at 9:00 and meet her at 1234 Traphouse road. You sat around on your phone watching videos and vines of this one guy named Corey Scherer. The clock ticked by and out of nowhere you where startled by the sound of the alarm you set so you could leave. It was 9:00 where you really ready for this??? You headed out looking sexy as fuck. You pulled up to the house and you walked inside. You found Alice standing against the wall with a drink in her hand talking to a boy. He was really cute and then you realized it was Corey Scherer. Alice looked over at you.

Alice: omg y/n I didn't actually think that you would come. Come here I want you to meet.

Corey: * he stuck out his hand* Hi I'm Corey.

Y/n: Your Corey Scherer.... omg I watch you on everything! YouTube, TikTok, everything.

Corey: well it's nice to meet you.

Y/n: Same.

Corey walked away and you had your back turned to him. But you could feel his eyes staring at you mainly on your ass.

Alice: Damn girl he really like you or at least his eyes say so.

You ignored Alice and walked away to find a drink. You walked up to the bar tender.

Y/n: Can I have a white claw?

He grabbed one out of a cooler that you could of grabbed it out of. You opened the tab and chugged it. You took 2 more out of the cooler and slammed those. You grabbed 3 more and they where gone with in 5 minutes. You where drunk, like really drunk!Corey walked up to you as you went to drink another one. He grabbed it,

Corey: You need to slow down a little bit! I was watching you chug 6 over there and you need to chill.

Y/n: No what I really need is you inside me right now.

Corey: wait did I miss something?

Y/n: no I just need you really badly.

You grabbed him and started making out with him. he held you back and took you upstairs to his room. As soon as you where in and the door was locked you where on your knees pulling at his zipper with your teeth. You finished taking his pants off. You stud up and he ripped your dress off. You where both naked in seconds. He grabbed your hips and payed you on the bed he asked if you where ready!! You nodded your head as fast as you could letting him know it was okay. He lined up his measure with your entrance and he slid him self in.

Corey: damn this feels nice.

Y/n: shut up and go faster daddy.

He thrust his hips into you faster as he was pounding into you. You wrapped your legs around him to keep in place. And he went faster. He hit your g-spot.

Y/n:Mmmm Right there daddy right there!!!!

You let out moans as he kept hitting your spot more
and more. You felt a knot in your stomach.

Corey: my little princess I'm about to cum!

Y/n: me too daddy!

You gripped your legs tighter around him and he went fast.

Corey: Baby I'm close

Y/n: just go faster

He thrust into one more time and he released into you. You begged for him to let you go and he let you release all your juices on his measure. He then road out both your highs.
He lays next to you and said
Corey: shit I loved that so much!!! You are great at that!!! How are you so fucking good.
You both ended up falling asleep.

You woke up the next morning to the sexy beast in a man bun right next to you. You realized what you had done and you quietly slid off the bed without waking him. You walked to your clothes and you put them on you walked out of his room with out making a sound. You Saw that Alices purse was still there.

Alice: Y/n what are you doing here?? Did you just walk out of Corey's room ohhh you go get them girl.

Y/n: No I'm leaving and you left with out a sound.

That was the last time you saw the browned skinned beautiful brown eyed boy again. You wonder if it would have turned into something else if you would've stayed or if you should just leave it as a 1 night stand with the boy at the party.....?????

(Sorry there wasn't a lot of detail but there you go.... don't be afraid to comment and vote please)

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