Cum for me baby pt2

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Sam: Cum for me baby!

When he said these words you released with whimpers of pleasure. At this time Sam was releasing too. You arched your back as you couldn't take anymore. Sam laid next to you pulling you closer into him holding you tight. You looked at him and spoke softly.

Y/n: Sammy can we do this more often.

Sam laughed and nodded his head catching his breath. You smiled, he leaned to you kissing your forehead. You asked him if he would like to take a shower when he agreed. You moved towards the end of the bed and tried to stand up when you fell back onto the bed. You looked at Sam and sighed you tried to stand again when you collapsed. Sam looked at you and laughed with politeness in his tone. You reached for him with grabby hands, when he pulled you up you grabbed onto him. You rested most of your weight on Sam trying to us whatever strength you had left to walk. But it wasn't enough. When you got to the door, Sam picked you up and carried you the rest of the way. He set you on the counter. You smiled as he turned on the water and reached for you. He placed you in the shower and held onto you while he washed him self off. You looked at him with lust on your face. He smirked and you then realized you had a smile on your face as well. You look down to see Sam is hard again. You questioned how this could happen since you where not able to walk. You looked at Sam.

Sam: Is there something I can help you with?

Y/n: Is there something that I CAN help you with sir?

You said grinning knowing what was about to happen you braced yourself. Sam turned off the shower and started to run a bath. You tried to move out of the shower to let the water run. When you got out you sat down on the floor. Sam looked at you and chuckled.

After the tub was full of water Sam sat down and patted his leg for you to join him, you sat in front of him teasing him by moving backwards brushing on his dick to make him hard again. He grabbed your face and turned you towards him.

Sam: Now baby if you don't stop I will have to punish you and I really don't care if we wake the house up, I want them to hear how bad you have been.

You gulped but continued to tease. Sam looked at you with the expression that he warned you. He was hard again but that wasn't hard to make happen when you are around. He picked you up and gently set you down on his hard erection slide his dick inside you. You gasp with pleasure and moan while you adjust yourself. You hold onto the side on the bathtub. Sam grabs your waste moving you up and down. You moan with every stroke. Sam let out little groans as you continued to move. Soon you where doing all the moving on your own, going up and down, you tried to moan quietly but you where unsuccessful. You let out a moan that you knew someone would hear but what you weren't expecting was that Sam could get even more hard. You continued to go up and down feel his dick go deeper inside you every second. You let out a whimper of pain and you slide down on his dick and felt it in your stomach. When Sam heard this he stood you up and pulled out, only to turn you around and make you face the wall. He bent you over thrusting into you. You let out a moan of unexpectancy. You grabbed the shower door. Sam removed you hand holding it behind you.

Sam: *through each thrust* you don't get to have something to hold onto, you where being naughty.

You moaned louder and louder as he kept hitting your g-spot from the back. You started to cry as you couldn't take it. You felt a pit feeling in your stomach but you couldn't talk since every thrust was deeper and harder every time. You came on Sam with no warning. Sam slowed his thrust but didn't stop. Taking one hand he grabbed your face and made you stand up with his dick inside you. You whined as he was still thrusting slowly.

Sam: Now baby did I say you could come this time?
You shook your head no and knew what was coming next.

Sam: so then let's do this again until I till you it's ok and you be a good little girl that daddy knows you are and wait for his command.

You whined as Sam bent you back over to pull out letting go of your arms. You grabbed onto the wall and you tried to stand but had trouble since your legs where shaking. Sam looked at you and you begged with your eyes for some help. As the water drained Sam picked you up, dried you off and opened the door. Just to be greeted by Colby.
Colby was embarrassed, and covered his eyes.

Colby: Dude, not cool.

Sam: *While walking to his room shutting the door* sorry bro but you gotta do what you gotta do.

You looked at Sam with anger, but soon that expression was lost when you felt his dick return to inside you. You gasped as the feeling was almost to must. You grabbed onto the bedsheet. You put a pillow behind your head because every time sam would thrust into you with extreme force your head would hit the head board. You moaned and you couldn't help it. You where close again when you where interrupted by banging on the door.

Corey: Can you guys keep it down I am trying to sleep and you are bothering me.

Sam: Sorry bro.

As Sam went back to hitting your g-spot with every movement he reached up and covered your mouth to soften the moans. He went back to going at a fast pass and a deep thrust. You grabbed onto him as he leaned forward. You buried you face into his neck, leaving small marks all down his neck as a way to stop the moans. You wrapped your legs around his waist as a way of telling him you where going to come. Sam let out a small laugh in your ear. But nodded to let you know it was ok. Your grasp got tighter around his waist as you both released any energy you had left into each other. You laid on the bed catching your breath. Sam laid next you grabbing you pulling you into a cuddle position. You laid your head on Sam's chest, wrapping your leg around his trying to control the shaking. You looked at Sam as he leaned in for a kiss.

Sam: So what did we learn today?

Y/n: I wait until daddy says "cum for me baby"

(Yes I am posting this at 3:42 am, and I'm sorry for whoever is reading this, this is 1194 words which is almost the same length as the other one, but yeah and thank you so much for 12k reads!! ❤️❤️ this story is also for aubreeRp )

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