His birthday

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I need to draw the grown babies …and the fully matured bois~!
Fuck you time management!
Enjoy 🌻~
D/n had taken up on Jiraya’s offer and left. It has been a few months since she was gone and Nagato had gotten a bit sour without realizing it.
“This is the second time Hidan!! At what point do you think it was okay to put countless of people in danger!!” Nagato snapped
“Oyy! Don’t fucking yell at me! I had no choice it was either the people at the bridge or the village. Some priorities outweigh others!”
“Your priority is to keep someone safe not choose to do it!! If you keep this up people with start to doubt our abilities! If you are not up from the job then-“
“Nagato! Hidan did what was right. That bridge was going to collapse sooner or later and no one saw that coming. There were no deaths and only a few injuries. All those who fell were rescued….you are being too harsh” You cut him off “You can go Hidan… good job today” You said patting his back.
The silver haired man scoffed and turned to leave
“I lost my cool again… Didn’t I?” Nagato asked with a guilty face. You nodded and hugged him “You need a day off to relax…but luckily, I have a surprise for you on your birthday”
“You didn’t have to” He smiled shyly and followed you out the tower, towards the outskirts of Ame. “Why are we all the way out here?” He asked and you looked around “You’ll see… we just gotta wait” you said until you saw a person running from a distance.
Nagato squinted his eyes and then smiled happily. He didn’t have time to speak before he was knocked back with a strong hug “Dad!! I missed you so much” D/n squealed
He hugged her tighter and sat up cupping her face to pepper it with kisses “My beautiful angel is back, already?”
She smiled and got off him helping him up then hugged you “Actually I knew it was your birthday, so Jiraya sensei told me if I don’t master a new jutsu by a week’s time, I’d be forced to miss your birthday… so I worked extra hard to come see you!”
His smile got bigger “You mastered a jutsu already! I’m so proud of you”
She nodded “Wanna see?”
He nodded and she got into position performing some hand signs. “Fūton: Reppūshō!” She said and clap her hands together causing a strong gush of wind to blast along with the sound of a thunder crack. The strong whirlwind from her hands caused the ground ahead of you to crack. Being an Uzumaki her chakra levels were vast and she could effortlessly use huge amounts of chakra.
She felt a bit dizzy from the jutsu then turned to Nagato with a smile. He pulled her to him once more “I am so proud of you… that was amazing. You are so gifted” He said and kissed her forehead.
 “Come let us celebrate your first official jutsu” you said holding her hand in yours.
Hidan got back from work tiredly and rubbed the back of his neck then dropped down to sit on the ground. You knew the village was working him like a dog as punishment and knelt next to him, kissing his cheek “Welcome home handsome”
He smiled and closed his eyes “Am I still handsome?... My face looks fucking exhausted”
You peppered his face with kisses and hugged him tight “You are perfect. Thank you for your hard work… I really appreciate it”
He opened his eyes and hugged you back “Each time something bad happens and I see your face… I just think it is all fucking worth it” he said cupping your face.
S/n was in the hall and heard those words then remembered what Shikamaru had told him the other week. He headed out the hall and gave you a sad look. You gave Hidan’s forehead one last kiss and got up “I’m going out for a while to meet up with Kakuzu… he is coming over today. Relax alright?”
Hidan nodded then saw s/n walk in and sit in front of him “Dad?...Can we talk?”
Hidan frowned and nodded “Go ahead”
“I-…I’m sorry for what I did…The last thing I want to do is hurt you and mom…I know how hard you work every day for us and I was being selfish with my actions….I hope you can forgive me…because…” He teared up and wiped his eyes “Because I love you so much and I really try to be less violent and it is hard…*sniff*…and everyone is saying things about you…*sniff*I want to be someone you are proud of” he sobbed
Hidan’s heart writhed and he sighed opening his arms “Come here”
S/n crawled close and hugged him tight still sniffing. Hidan kissed his shoulder and rubbed his back “Don’t cry… Of course I forgive you… I was just very angry that day and said those things…I must’ve hurt you. The thing is all those shitty things people say about me are true. Your father is fucked up and he screwed his life over big time… I’m trying to be better…So in a way we both are…we can be better together”
S/n pulled away and nodded wipping his tears “Happy birthday dad… I wish I could’ve got you something but I was too upset”
Hidan smirked “You don’t need to get me shit. You are my present… I love you so fucking much. You and your mother are all I have in this world…You don’t know how special you are” 
S/n smiled then the door opened revealing Kakuzu and you. S/n greeted him happily and almost knocked the miser back with his hug. Kakuzu ruffled his hair and placed a small box near Hidan, along with a few other bags “Happy birthday Idiot”
Hidan smirked “Watchu get grandpa?”
Kakuzu sat down along with you and s/n “A punch in the face, if you don’t shut up… and also some food and a dumb cake with your name on it”
You chuckled taking out the food containers and s/n helped you set up the dinner table, so that you could all eat. Hidan smiled seeing it was his favorite dish; marinated and roasted ribs. The sight of you all eating happily in the house that once belonged to his parents, made him really happy and satisfied. Even if he had to walk the extra mile, it was all worth it, every single second of it. He wasn’t alone anymore.
Kakuzu headed back home after a long day of orchestrating an Anbu platoon. He opened the door only to be greeted with an over excited d/n “Happy birthday dad!!! You are a century old now!! This is so cool!” She said making him sigh and close the door behind him.
Hidan appeared with a frown “Damn you are old… I can’t imagine living that long. You must feel like shit!”
“Only because I’ve spent quarter of it with you Hidan” Kakuzu spoke, then sat down at the dinner table that you prepared for his birthday. You kissed his cheek “Happy birthday… I hope your years get better and better as you go” You said holding his hand.
He smiled kissing it “It already is” he said and you blushed, until you both heard gagging noises, then turned to see d/n and Hidan with disgusted faces.
“Oh grow up you two” You said and carried on with the dinner. D/n smiled “I got an announcement that will be the best birthday present ever!”
Kakuzu looked at her with a smile for her to go on and she continued “The academy thinks I am talented enough to finally be promoted to become an Anbu agent!! I’ll be earning almost as much as you now! And will be working next to you as well” she cheered
His eyes widened and he smiled pulling her into a hug “That is great news! I’m so proud of you. You are my pride and joy… but with this job comes great danger… you need to be careful and take care of yourself well. There are many people still after our heads. Konoha is our cover…If you are out in the open, things with be cruel and ruthless… But nonetheless, I have faith in you” He said and she nodded “Don’t worry I won’t be alone…I’ll have my own platoon alongside me”
The news was great and soon after, you dragged Hidan with you to the kitchen to do the dishes and told him to get d/n out the house, so you can give Kakuzu your own gift. Hidan frowned “Eww gross… I didn’t need to know that” He said then walked out the kitchen “D/n… I need to show you something that’s fucking awesome…come one”  
She smiled and quickly followed him out but not before kissing Kakuzu’s cheek. He felt a bit sad that she left but soon enough your hands slid across his chest from behind while you kissed his neck. “Would you like to see my birthday gift kazu”
His smirk grew and he pulled you into his lap to straddle his waist “What do you have for me beautiful?”
You smiled and opened up your Kimono showing him your laced lingerie making his eyes burn into your skin and pull you in for a lustful kiss. You giggled and he pinned you down to the ground “This is the only thing Hidan is good for… Now I can ravish you as I please” He growled near you ear.
“I’m all yours….daddy” you whispered, making his mind go blank, pulling you into another breathtaking kiss.
Deidara landed his bird down and preformed some hand signs to seal it back. He rubbed the back of his head and reached the porch of the house then entered, taking off his shoes. D/n heard his footsteps and sprinted off towards him lunging at the blonde to hug him tightly “Dad!! You are home!!”
He stumbled back to the ground and laughed hugging her back tighter “I missed you my gorgeous girl hm” he said and sat up kissing her cheek “Just don’t do that again your dad is getting old… I may even break a bone next time un”
You frowned hearing that and peeked from the hall “Deidara you just turned 30 that is not that old”
He groaned burying his face in d/n’s shoulder “Yes it is!… I’m ancient just like someone hm”
Sasori sighed passing by “Are you low key mocking my age brat?”
Deidara chuckled “Maybe… I mean danna you are almost 50 now!”
Sasori rolled his eyes “I am immortal. I aim to outlive you all in pursue of my art”
“That would be so cool Sasori nii!” D/n smiled and helped Deidara up, then dragged him to the dinner table “Happy birthday dad!”
He smiled seeing small gifts on the table and kissed d/n’s cheek then yours “You two are so precious”
You smiled and sat down “How was work?”
He sighed “Kurotsuchi is after me on everything I do…but she said she wanted to meet you and d/n, so that’s nice I guess hm”
“So I’m guessing you were able to convince Iwa to hold the summit in Ame?” you added
He nodded “Yeah… the main villages decided to give Ame a chance hm…So we are gonna have to go there for a little while to guard our own kages…D/n will have to go too un”
You smiled brightly “You hear that D/n? This will be like your first official mission”
D/n tensed up but smiled “You think I’m good enough?” She asked unsure of herself. D/n wasn’t admitted into an academy. You, Deidara, and Sasori took the liberty in training her from a young age. She had a lot of knowledge and skill but couldn’t compare herself to other shinobi her age because she was yet to meet them.
Soon enough the dinner was over and d/n pulled Deidara to her room. “Since it is your birthday and you feel tired, I decided to pamper you today!”
Deidara smiled “You don’t have to do that” but she wouldn’t take no for an answer. So moments later, Deidara was sitting on the ground with a facial mask on and hair tied back, as d/n painted his nails. He smiled “You brought me so much memories of the Akatsuki… I kind of miss my black painted nails”
She smiled “How was the Akatsuki like? Where you famous?”
Deidara thought then smiled “I guess so…But it wasn’t a good type of fame, considering your father was an S-rank criminal who was supposed to be killed on sight un… I was pretty wild back then and nothing really scared me…Until, I got some sense slapped into me. Now my priority is you and your mother yeah… I strive only for you un” He said making her tear up and smile “I’m glad to have a father like you… I don’t care if you were bad… you are still the best dad in the world, un” she teased making him laugh “Only you are allowed to go that far with a joke un”
“I feel honored” She said proudly.
Sasori stood next to Kankuro handing him a few scrolls “These contain the new prototypes?” Kankuro asked as they stood in his office near the Kazekage’s mainhall.
“Yes, but I haven’t had the chance to examine them yet, so do be careful when using them…No poison was added, so it’ll just cause minor injury before we move to prototype two” Sasori spoke until the door burst open, revealing s/n “Dad! Are you done yet? It is almost 6 and mom is waiting for us!” He said impatiently
“Give me 2 more minutes S/n” Sasori said annoyed but s/n frowned “Not I’ve been waiting for an hour!”
Kankuro chuckled “Well look at that you got an even more impatient son… You can go. We will finish these up tomorrow morning. The Puppeteers won’t show up until then because they are on a mission”
Sasori sighed and nodded then turned to s/n and ruffled his hair then pulled his ear slightly “You need more manners”
S/n winced as Sasori pulled his ear and covered it up. “That hurt”
“You should be thankful to have a parent, who pulls your ears” Sasori teased, making S/n smile and take his hand “You are walking too slow dad! Come on!”
Sasori frowned “I know it is my birthday and you’ve prepared something. Don’t have to rush it”
S/n pouted and tightened his hand on his father’s hand, then ran pulling Sasori after him.
You placed a small cake on the table along with Sasori’s favorite food. Soon enough, the door opened revealing the two, as S/n sprinted down the hall leaving you with Sasori.
“That boy of yours needs manners… he barged into the kazekage’s tower like a whirlwind” Sasori complained.
“Aww he is excited for your birthday. You should be happy” you said getting close to kiss his cheek then pull him to the dinner table. S/n rushed back and sat down next to Sasori with something behind his back.
Sasori took out his chopsticks and smiled “So…. what is it you are in such a rush of?”
S/n looked down nervously “Well…I met up with Temari sama in the academy today and she said she thinks I’m ready to be sent out to do a mission officially with my team…She just…She needs you and mom’s approval”
Sasori looked at you worriedly and you placed your hand on his “I know you are low key panicking right now, but s/n is better than you think. He is very gifted; just like you. I want him to finally take the chance and go out to see the world”
“Yeah the dark cruel part of the world” Sasori said unamused
“Well I agreed and signed his papers…All that is left is your signature but just so you know if you refuse, then you are saying you don’t believe in your son’s abilities” you added, continuing your food. Sasori saw the sad look on s/n’s face and nodded “fine…but you need to be very careful. It isn’t that I don’t trust you…it’s that I don’t trust people around you”
S/n nodded “I understand… for that, I made you something to look at while I’m gone. It isn’t as good as yours but it is the best I could do at the moment” he said giving Sasori a scroll, containing one of the puppets s/n made. Sasori released the puppet and saw it was a replica of s/n. He passed his fingers over the fine craftsman ship and couldn’t help but smile at how well s/n was progressing over the years. The joints were perfect and fingers bent smoothly. “This is outstanding S/n…I’m really proud of you”
S/n buried his face in his hands excitedly “Thank you so much… I’m so happy right now”
Sasori pulled the boy close and kissed his forehead “my favorite boy”
Kisame writhed in bed slightly and reached out his arms to pull you closer to him but frowned seeing you weren’t there. He opened his eyes and looked towards your side then sat up, rubbing his face sleepily, seeing that the sun was up. “Did I sleep in?” He asked himself then got up to the bathroom and put on his normal shinobi pants and black tank top then headed down the big house’s hall, towards the kitchen hearing you and d/n talking.
He walked in with a smile “Good morning”
You smiled and d/n went to give him a hug “morning dad”
“Why did you let me sleep in? I thought we were going to stock up at the market today” He asked you
You nodded “Well d/n decided to help, so you can rest…you’ve been getting worked out a lot lately”
He smirked “Nothing I can’t handle but thanks… What’s the occasion you two never seemed to handle each other at the store because you fight about stupid brands”
D/n pouted “We compromised just for you because it is a special day”
He squinted his eyes “I…I hope it isn’t out anniversary”
You frowned and poked him in the chest “No it isn’t but I’m guessing by that you forgot what day that is…. Unbelievable”
You knew Kisame hated celebrating his birthday. To him it was a sad day when he lost his mother. It was a memorial day for her. D/n felt that he was trying to steer around the subject and took his hand “Dad…I hope you don’t mind me asking for this but…I’d like to visit grandma’s grave today and pay my respects”
He felt tongue tied and nodded “Of course”
You pampered him the entire morning, until it was time to head out toward the Hoshigaki clan’s quarters. You walked towards the shrine and the other clan members opened the way for you towards the shrine. They emptied out the room for your three and you walked in the candle lit room then knelt down on to the ground.  Kisame looked at his mother’s picture remorsefully.
You rubbed his back “What would you like to say to her?”
He thought and smiled “I want to know if she is proud of what I’ve become…I’ve been down some dark roads but I hope I had the time to make it up for her and her name”
You smiled “I’m sure she is proud… I’d like to thank her for making this handsome man for me…You are perfect Kisame”
He blushed then looked towards d/n as she thought of what to say “Well you never really talked much about this dad but I think I have feeling that she was a great woman… I feel proud to be part of her bloodline and hope to be as good as her someday… I will train long and hard to reach this level of mastery for the sake of my clan and my father’s and mother’s name…Grandmother would’ve been great Misukage, if she were alive and with that I am honored”
The three of you lit candles then got up to leave. Kisame felt his eyes tear up and he hugged you both close to him “Thank you for doing this… you are the best thing that has ever happened to me… Thank you so much”. You both hugged back tighter and kissed his cheek “We love you so very much” you said and d/n nodded “You are the best dad in the world”
S/n ran down the road jumping from one place to another, as Sasuke sprinted after him. Naruto was talking to Hinata shyly until s/n ran between the two catching their attention.
“OUT OF THE WAY DOBE!” Sasuke yelled and pushed Naruto over, running as fast as he could to catch s/n. “The hell is your problem!!!” Naruto screeched getting up but Sasuke was already gone.
S/n felt like he was about to pass out from all the running and reached a deadend then turned around, hiding a file behind his back. “Stay away! This is my choice!”
Sasuke dropped in front of him gracefully not even breaking a sweat and got close, grabbing the boy’s ear “Itachi clearly told you not to apply for the Anbu… He is going to flip out, if he knows about the acceptance letter!”
S/n closed his eyes tight and hugged the file “I don’t care! I want to be someone in life! I don’t want to be a stupid chunin all my life! I want to be stronger than the Hokage himself!”
Sasuke sighed and grabbed the boys cheeks “Your thirst for power is worrying me S/n. give me one good convincing reason why I should let you do this?”
S/n thought “I…I want to make people love us… I want people to know who I am and see how good we are...then I’ll tell them that I'm proudly an Uchiha and they will stop looking at us all funny when we pass by!...I want to succeed mom and be better than all of you! power wise and social wise!” he spilled, making Sasuke’s eyes soften. He turned around and started walking away “get your ass back home s/n” He said then left.
Itachi sat at the table telling you about his day, until Sasuke coldly walked in placing a box in front of Itachi “Happy birthday”
Itachi smiled and opened the box to see a pile of dango then chuckled “You are so kind, thank you... I’d ask you to have some but I know you hate sweets” Itachi teased poking his brother’s forehead. S/n peeked through the door and smiled “Are you in a good mood today dad?”
Itachi smiled and motioned for the boy to come close then noticed the file in his hands.
“What is that?” you asked coming into the room.
S/n looked down nervously “Well I don’t know if it is a birthday gift or the worst news you’ll receive today” He said handing Itachi the file. You sat next to Itachi to read and both looked up to him in disbelief.
Sasuke looked at s/n’s nervous figure and you, then spoke “I let him do it…He is very good and his skills are needed…Anbu have always been useless without Uchihas….Unless you want him to end up a weak link” Sasuke said then continued “He might even be as good as Shisui himself someday” (Yes, all of you apparently named him this)
Itachi sighed and you took his hand in yours, begging him with your eyes to agree.
“If this is what you truly aim for then I wouldn’t mind at all… You are a sweet kid… but I don’t want you getting hurt… The Anbu is a dark place and you will see a lot of disturbing things” Itachi spoke then opened his arms for s/n to get close and hug him tight “Seeing that you have matured this much, is my birthday gift”
S/n hug back tighter “I won’t let you down”
You were very excited because Kuro was finally returning home today. You told s/n that his father didn’t really have a birthday, but you gave him one because he was so jealous of mortals. Even with that Zetsu never really celebrated or cared much for it, until s/n asked you about it. He didn’t like the fact that Zetsu was so underappreciated this way and decided to celebrate it for the first time this year.
Luckily Kuro was supposed to be home on that same day. You felt something caress your cheek as you woke up and opened your eyes to see Shiro smiling at you “Aww shoot you woke up… I was enjoying the sight”
You blushed and smiled “You creep” you teased him, sitting up and pulling him in for a morning hug. He chuckled and got up but you pulled him back “I don’t want you working today… S/n said he wanted to try and cook for you”
Zetsu didn’t really eat cooked human food but didn’t mind it either… he would crave raw meat from time to time but managed to condition himself well to restrain those urges and accept normal food. S/n walked up the kitchen put on an apron and raised his sleeves.“Here we go” he said to the clones around him and began to cook trying as hard as he can to cut the vegetables without causing them to sprout and grow vines.
You cuddled next to shiro in bed, until two black hands emerged between you pulling you apart and pushing Shiro off the bed. You gasped and Kuro emerged pulling you to him “**you’ve enjoyed her for too long! She is mine now!**”
Shiro chuckled “Hey Kuro…long time no see”
You smiled and hugged Kuro tight “I missed you so much… I hope your trip was fruitful”
Kuro nodded “**I guess so… I found a lot of information but no matter what I do I feel like I’m missing something**”
“Is that who I think it is” S/n called from the kitchen hearing Kuro’s voice and took off his apron, sprinting to the bedroom. S/n hasn’t seen Kuro since he was 6 and couldn’t wait to see him again. Kuro smirked and got up in time for s/n to burst through the door and hug Kuro tight “Daaaddd~” He whined and teared up
Kuro was overwhelmed at the sudden embrace but hugged him back. S/n burst into tears and Kuro rubbed his back “**Aw come on. Don’t cry… You are a full grown boy now…I really missed you…I’m glad you are okay**”
S/n cried “but everything is not okay… I’m a freak of nature and my chakra is all over the place” He sobbed. Kuro looked at you and Shiro.
Shiro nodded “S/n lost control of his wood release when he started to learn basic chakra training”
“We enrolled him in the academy in konoha to try to control it” you added
Kuro cupped s/n cheeks wiping his tears away “**Don’t worry. I’m here…We can fix this**”
The four of you eventually sat down and had breakfast together. S/n was not bad of a cook and he enjoyed the praise just like his father.
“What is the occasion?” Shiro asked and s/n smiled “It is your birthday!”
Kuro and Shiro looked at each other cluelessly then remembered a long time ago when you talked to him about it and smiled “You remembered? That was such a long time ago… We never really celebrated it”
“**true…I lost count of the years…but I'm glad I lived this long to see this day…Now how about I fix your problem**” Kuro said to s/n and took him outside to see what he meant. After causing half the garden to grow insanely big, Kuro pulled s/n close and opened his kimono slightly placing his hand over the boy’s stomach, where the core of his chakra should be. “** your chakra is indeed outrageously vast…I can’t stop it but I can help reduce it**”
S/n nodded and saw Kuro’s hand melt and seep onto s/n’s stomach and chest following the leaking chakra paths, then pulled his hand away. Black skin in the shape of twisted branches covered his torso and arms. “**By merging my flesh with yours, I can help seal that power, and in return the chakra will flow back to me**”
S/n gasped “you are leeching power off of me?”
Kuro chuckled “**more or less…but this is the only option. Just look around nothing is moving out of place anymore**”
S/n smiled then hugged Kuro tight “Thanks dad… I’m glad you are back”  
Obito burst into the house and grabbed your shoulders tight “Woman~!!! Guess what?!!”
You tensed up because he startled you, then sighed “I lost half my life just now”
He hugged you tight “I’m sorry!! I’m just overly excited!”
You smiled and pulled away “Calm down and tell me!”
He pulled you to the main hall and sat down with you “I was working with the Tsuchikage today and he said he received a note from the Hokage saying that he thought my time serving was enough and that I should head back to konoha in two day’s time! And that is not all!! the Hokage wants me to be his right hand man”
You looked at him happily “Kakashi did all that for you?… How kind of him… He took over a few months ago and he is already doing so much for everyone. Good for him… I’m so happy for you”
Obito smiled and pushed you down on to the ground, making you blush “I could ravish you just about now” He growled with a smirk but you pushed him away “You can’t do that… S/n is home and in his room”
Obito frowned “I thought he was out with Deidara… No matter, I can still sneak a kiss” He said and pulled you for a kiss.
“Are you done being gross!!” S/n snapped from the door and you both pulled way shyly.
Obito sighed “You are old enough to know that a man and a wom-“
“No! NO! be quiet. I don’t want to hear it… I just came to say congratulations and also happy birthday“ He said and walked up to Obito, handing him a small box “It isn’t much but mom said you’d appreciate it…I picked out the shape”
Obito curiously took the box and opened it then burst out laughing, seeing a small glass ornament in the shape of a pink pig. “This is just like…” He stopped thinking fondly of the memories of the ornaments you had. You were so angry at him back then and he was never able to get over it much, until now. He looked at you then pulled s/n close for a hug “I love it… Are you sure your mother didn’t pick up the animal”
S/n chuckled “Nope I did. Pigs represent good health and a lot of wealth…Also you are always trying to kiss my mom which is gross! So it suits you well”
Obito laughed and squeezed the boy “I can do whatever I want to your mom and you included” he growled and peppered s/n’s face with kisses, tickling him. However, It was all fun and games, until s/n couldn’t breathe from the tickling and ended up punching Obito square in the face to let him go. The young boy then spent hours crying and apologizing because it was an accident, while you tended to Obito’s bleeding nose.

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