When he cries/apologies

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So I took all my sad feelings and mushed them up in this long ass chapter. Each part has a part of my soul in it… hope I don’t make you sad with my patheticness TuT…
I like it when tough boys cry...it's cute 

All the barriers are dead between them now (FINALLY) we can return to the…. *dank meme voice* FLUFFFFFF~~

Enjoy a part of my soul❤~


He stood there hugging Konan’s body to his chest sadly as wave of cold air hit your faces “What the hell is wrong with you?”

You looked at him as if coming to your senses. You did something really bad and hurt your own Kami. The man who trusted you and took you in….you hurt the angel that was always there to help and guide you. What sort of monster would do this to the people who care about them?. You bit your lip in frustration and couldn’t muster up but only a few words “I-I…just want to love you”

“I should’ve known…you killed your own clan…Is this how you express your love? By killing my most closest person. Konan is like a sister to me and I’ve known her since I was a child… you took her away like they took Yahiko away….THAT IS UNFORGIVABLE!!! I WILL MAKE YOU WISH YOU HAVEN’T BEEN BORN!!” he yelled as tears streamed down his cheeks then stood up glaring at you with a deadly cold stare raising his hand towards you “I will tear you limb from limb”

You shook in fear “No!! Kami sama!! ….I can heal her! I can bring her back!… please forgive me!!… Please I beg you!! I’ll fix this!! I’ll do anything” you cried out

He felt conflicted between helping Konan and punishing you for what you’ve done. Your actions where unforgivable but Konan’s life was more important than some trivial feud of jealousy and error. The kami walked up to you ripping off the metal rods from your arms, dropping you to the ground. 

“Do it” he said emotionlessly as the tears dripped from his chin.

You nodded and rushed to Konan side placing your hands on her wound as green chakra emerged from them. He watched as you skillfully used your chakra to close back all the sliced open vital points. 

 Hours later you managed to heal her fully by draining your entire chakra and were waiting outside her room as Pein checked up on her and talked; they were talking about you, you could tell. You felt the anxiety rise in your veins. What you did was wrong and you over reacted violently towards the people he loved… your punishment was of course going to be a severe one but you would accept it not matter what it was. 

The door’s knob clicked as it opened, startling you.

 “Follow” Pein ordered as he headed towards his room. 

You caught a glimpse of Konan in bed with a calm look before the door shut, and you followed the angry Kami down the hall. Each minute felt like years and it was like you were decaying with anxiousness each step you took. 

You both entered his room and he stopped. 

“What you did is unforgivable y/n” he started

You looked down sadly “I’m sorry for overreacting… I’m so sorry. I’ll accept any punishment you give me” You said and went down on your knees “Please forgive me Kami…. My feelings for you will not change. I still love you dearly. I know I overdramatized and I agree to any punishment you have ready for me, even if that meant death itself” 

He turned around and grabbed you by your neck slamming you into the wall. You closed your eyes tight waiting for him to just end it all and snap your neck to bits but instead you felt a pair of lips press against yours. You widened your eyes seeing him kiss you and hesitantly reached out to the back of his neck to kiss back. His tongue passed over your bottom lip making you blush and you opened your mouth allowing his tongue to pass inside and tangle it with yours. You felt your body melting in his hands as your knees got weak making you hold onto him tighter so you wouldn’t fall. He kissed you passionately until you couldn’t breathe letting out his frustration through this emotional act. You struggled to escape his grip for air and he let go, watching as you took in heavy breaths, eyes half lidded with a flushed face.

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