You fight

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Dreamt that I finally got Kakuzu to bed with me, after all previous dream where he gave me the cold shoulder...The moron just looked at me cluelessly, not knowing what to do, and I just kept glaring... I am disappointed :I 

I promise happier chapters are coming after this wave~ XD  


You set out to the land of rivers which was nearby, in hope of finding that old woman. Nagato chose to head out in his real body just in case the medic wanted to examine him. It took you a day but you finally reached a small town and asked around. Apparently, the woman was famous there but she had retired a few years back because she grew too old.
 You walked into a weird path, full of weird herbs and trees with colorful fruits then reached a small cabin at the end, where it was said she lived. You knocked on the door with Nagato and waited. It took the old woman an hour to open and when she did, she grumbled “What do you want?” She creaked open the door spotting you.
“We require your expertise ma’am” you said but she went to shut the door in your face so you stopped her.
“I’m retired… I don’t work anymore!” she said struggling to keep it close but you kicked the door open, getting angry with her, since she was ignoring your kami’s wishes.
“You *will* help! You have no option” You said
“Angel calm down please… she is frail and will easily die” Nagato said, taking off his hood.
The old lady was furious with you, until she laid eyes on Nagato’s and gasped “You are that child”
“You remember me?...after almost 30 years?” He asked in confusion and she nodded getting close to him. “Who would forget such a weird little child…you were the only case I never got to cure. It kept me up for years…I somehow knew that if that child survived, he would come back” she said and reached out to touch his cheek but you stopped her.
Nagato touched your shoulder “Y/n calm down… it is alright. She means no harm” He said and you relaxed stepping back.
“I came back to understand more about my eyes. The Rinnegan manifested due to trauma and remained dormant before that….so why did I feel pain in my eyes, when I was 2 years old? …My parents said you thought I had had surgery”
She nodded and motioned for him to follow her inside a room so she can examine him. He laid down on a table like she asked and a bright lamp was lit above him. She put on her glasses and looked at his eyes pulling his lid down carefully.
“Back then there were clean cuts in your eyes and weird chakra flowing from them” She got a needle and neared it to his eye making him and you tense up.  
“What are you doing?” You snapped
She chuckled at your behavior “You got yourself a jumpy girl, don’t you?… I need to collect some fluid from the eye itself. Only then I’ll be able to prove my theory”
“What theory?” you asked
“The only person rumored to manifest his eyes to great levels was Madara Uchiha. He was obsessed with that and his body was never recovered. I know a lot about him because I have researched about this all my life” she explained
“You are saying these eyes are his?...That sounds preposterous! Of all the people to choose from, why a child from ame?” Nagato spoke
“Supposedly Madara didn’t die, he would’ve been almost 80 years old by then…Konoha is still young and we tend to forget that” she said moving his lid down
Nagato winced as the needle went into his socket “y/n… do you know what this means?” he said
“That I was right about Zetsu and Tobi! but you failed to believe me” You snapped.
The woman gave him an eye dropper to numb the stinging of the needle and turned around to check the sample. Nagato sat up and looked at you “What do you expect me to do y/n?...I can’t betray them yet. I have my plans set out”
You frowned “But you are a Kami! You can smite those two effortlessly!” You complained and he frowned getting angry with this debate “You won’t understand y/n. and I don’t expect you to! Leave these two to me and don’t interfere”
“But a kami can’t be controlled like a puppet by two lowlifes all his life! So they will get what they want and you will fall behind” you complained
He grit his teeth “I AM NOT A KAMI Y/N!! My eyes are just tools… I set out to fulfill Yahiko’s wishes!! I want everyone to be happy because he did!!...I was a delusional Kami before….now, I am just Madara’s standby!...I thought I was someone but I am not! I’m just a vessel he used to keep his eyes alive…I am not a kami y/n”  
You frowned “Don’t say that about yourself!! You are more. I won’t stand by here and watch you do this to yourself! IF YOU WON’T FACE THEM, THEN I WILL!” You said and stormed off away from the cabin plotting your next move.

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